Figurative Language
Comprehension terms #1
Comprehension terms #2
Types of Literature and Text Structure
Facts, Opinions, Inferences

A direct comparison between two or more things without using like or as.

What is metaphor?


Quote a passage or give credit to a source

What is Cite?

A difference between what is said and what is meant.
What is irony?
In what person (first or third) are the sentences written? He fixed his car in two days.
What is third person.
Fact or Opinion? Athletes are role models and should conduct themselves accordingly in the public eye.
What is an opinion?
Choose simile, metaphor or personification: The swimming pool was inviting me to jump in.
What is a personification?

Ethos, pathos, and logos

What are the three parts of rhetoric?

The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature.
What is foreshadow?
What the story is about: it usually has a problem (conflict), a turning point (climax), and a solution (resolution) to the problem.
What is plot?
Fact or Opinion? In 2007 over 8,400 people were hospitalized in America for dance related injuries.
What is a Fact?
Choose simile, metaphor or personification: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." - Shakespeare
What is a metaphor?
The author's point of a selection.
What is central idea?
Made up of three parts: Claim, evidence, and reasoning.

What is argument?


Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is problem and solution?

Fact or opinion? Dancing is a safe and healthy activity.
What is an opinion.
Choose simile, metaphor or personification? ROMEO: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
What is a metaphor?
To conclude from evidence or premises/An educated guess as to what is happening in the text.
What is inference?

The result of a cause.

What is effect?


To surprise her mother on her birthday, Samantha got up early and make coffee. First, she filled the pot with water. Then she cleaned and replaced the filter. Next, she got fresh coffee, measured just the right amount, and poured it into the filter. Finally, she pressed the "on" button and within seconds, the aroma of the fresh-brewed coffee filled the house. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is ...

What is Sequence ?

Fact or opinion? Raleigh is the state capitol of North Carolina.
What is fact?
Ah, never think that ships forget a shore, Or bitter seas, or winds that made them wise;
What is personification?

Parts of the text that prove a main idea. 

What are supporting details?


What is textual evidence?


A genre that uses a combination of true science and elements that are not yet a reality.

What is science fiction?


Every spring, shortly after the tulips bloom, farmers in Holland go through the tulip fields and cut the blooms off the tulips. This seems strange, because it leaves a field full of green stems. However, it makes the colorful tulip blooms grow back even bigger and stronger later that spring. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is cause and effect?

The majority of automobiles in use today are powered by gasoline.
What is fact?