What year did Troy Prep Middle School open?
Who is the Principal of Troy Prep Middle School?
Ms. DeLuke
How many deliverables should students complete each day?
But Art and PE are due weekly!
What time does homeroom start each day?
8:30, but in person Academic Lab starts at 8!
How many feet apart must students remain in the halls?
6 feet!
Who is the mascot of Troy Prep Middle School?
Excellence the Eagle
Who is your child’s ELA Teacher?
Ms. Ferrandiz
How should students be turning in their math work?
They should upload photos of their work in a separate notebook
What days does Cohort A come to school?
Monday and Wednesday
True or false:
Students must wear a mask except when they are eating
How many teachers that used to work in the elementary school now work in the middle school?
Which classes are taught by a male?
Math and History
Name one of the 4 C’s that scholars annotate for in ELA?
What two specials do scholars have each week?
Art and PE
How many times a day do students hand sanitize or wash their hands?
At least 6
What is the full name of Troy Prep Middle?
True North Troy Preparatory Middle School
Which teachers teach two grade levels?
Ms. Comuniello 6 & 8
Mr. Brewer 7 & 8
Which changes: the independent variable or the dependent variable?
The dependent variable
How long is science class?
45 minutes
Can students use the water fountain?
Yes- but only to fill up their water bottle!
Who was the founding Principal of Troy Prep Middle School?
Paul Powell
Which teacher on the team has been at Troy Prep the longest?
Mr. Belanger
Name one of the 4 corners in history
Historical Context
Point of View
Author’s Purpose
Who is your scholar’s homeroom teacher?
Answers will vary
What is the maximum number of students in a classroom based on social distancing guidelines?