Figurative Language
Conflict & Irony
Context Clues
Literature Terms

"Life was one big joke to Two-Bit." is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is: metaphor


Name the 5 types of conflict.

Character vs. Self, nature, society, character, fate, supernatural


After the shopper succumbed to her desire to buy an expensive new dress, she was filled with regret.

What does the word succumbed mean?

What is: surrender, give in, submit

Find the setting: Jen is so excited for her first day of swimming lessons. She wakes up extra early and eats her breakfast. She hops in the car and is ready to go! Uh-oh, the car gets a flat tire!
What is the car.

What literary device is being described:

Dally said, "I been carryin' a heater.... It ain't loaded, but it sure does help a bluff."

What is: Foreshadowing


“Well now, one winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fish moved south and even the snow turned blue.” is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is: hyperbole


In The Outsiders, "....I wish I had time to take off Dally's jacket....That jacket saved you from a bad burning." What type of irony is being used?

What is: situational irony


His emaciation, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see. 

What does the word emaciation mean?

What is: skeleton-like, thin

Find the rising action: Jen is so excited for her first day of swimming lessons. She wakes up extra early and eats her breakfast. She hops in the car and is ready to go! Uh-oh, the car gets a flat tire! Jen is going to be late!!! Her dad must pull over without damaging the tire even more! He safely pulls over and is able to change the tire. Jen quickly changes in the dressing room and is ready to go.
What is the tire is flat and her dad has to safely pull over.

What literary device is being described:

When Mr. Frank starts reading Anne's diary and remembering.

What is: Flashback


"Mr Van Daan's is deep and low, like a bass fiddle."" is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is: simile


In the Diary of Anne Frank, after the thief broke in and heard Peter knock over the lampshade, everyone sang about joy and jubilation when actually they were terrified. What type of irony is being used?

What is: verbal irony


Afterward Jerry showed some signs of remorse, such as apologizing to everyone and paying back the money he had lost. 

What does the word remorse mean?

What is: guilt

What is the problem: Jen is so excited for her first day of swimming lessons. She wakes up extra early and eats her breakfast. She hops in the car and is ready to go! Uh-oh, the car gets a flat tire! Jen is going to be late!!! Her dad must pull over without damaging the tire even more! He safely pulls over and is able to change the tire. Jen quickly changes in the dressing room and is ready to go.
What is she is going to be late for swim lessons.

What point of view is used in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton:

"When I left the movie house that night, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home."

What is: 1st Person POV


Identify the type of figurative language and explain what it really is saying?

"Mr. Kraler is in the hospital. It seems he has ulcers. Pim says we are his ulcers."

What is: metaphor. It means they are the problem because they cause him stress. 


In the Diary of Anne Frank, when Anne talks about being fortunate and safe in the attic, but the audience knows that they will be caught and that she will die, what type of irony is being used?

What is: Dramatic Irony


The young girl was very aloof, she always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. 

What does the word aloof mean?

What is: distant, unsociable


What is the climax: Jen is so excited for her first day of swimming lessons. She wakes up extra early and eats her breakfast. She hops in the car and is ready to go! Uh-oh, the car gets a flat tire! Jen is going to be late!!! Her dad must pull over without damaging the tire even more! He safely pulls over and is able to change the tire. Jen quickly changes in the dressing room and is ready to go.

What is her dad safely pulls over.


Name 1 dynamic and 1 static character in The Diary of Anne Frank. Explain why they are dynamic or static.

Answers may vary.


Identify the type of figurative language and explain what it really is saying?

"Soda attracted girls like honey attracted flies."

What is: simile. It means he was a ladies man. Girls thought he was cute.


The Frank family evading the Nazis is Character vs. ______.

What is the climax of this conflict?

Character (Frank Family) vs. Character (Nazis)

Climax: When the car comes screeching to a stop outside and they know that they've been found.


The woman abhorred cleaning the house, but she loved a spotless home. 

What does the word abhorred mean?

What is: despised, disliked, loathed


Draw and correctly label plot sequence.

What is: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


What literary device is being described and why did the author mention it?

In The Diary of Anne Frank, Peter tears off the Star of David from his clothing.

What is: Symboldism 

Answers may vary.