Latin Roots
The Hitchhiker
Literary Terms
The Treasure of Lemon Brown
Rules of the Game
a prefix meaning before
What is fore?
When a writer provides hints that suggest a future event in a story
What is foreshadowing?
A sequence of events in a story.
What is plot?
The hallway was dark, so he moved hesitantly or uncertainly.
What is tentatively?
A quick, sharp, witty reply
What is a retort?
Prefix meaning bad
What is mal?
A place where two roads meet.
What is a junction?
The series of events that build up and create tension and suspense.
What is rising action?
Greg seeks shelter from the rain in an abandoned building where Lemon Brown is living.
What is What is How does Greg meet Lemon Brown?
Waverly’s brother receives the chess set as a gift at a church Christmas party.
What is How does Waverly’s family get a chess set?
Prefix meaning one
What is mono?
The Hitchhiker is a play written for radio broadcast, which means that it is primarily meant to be seen, not heard. The Hitchhiker is otherwise known as what?
What is a radio play?
The part of the story in which characters are introduced, the background is explained, and the setting is described.
What is exposition?
Lemon Brown throws himself down the stairs at the intruders.
What is How does Lemon Brown scare off the intruders?
Waverly learns about chess rules, secrets, and etiquette.
What is What does Waverly learn from the old man in the park?
Latin root meaning say
What is dict?
Adams wants company in his car.
What is why does Adams pick up the girl?
Point of View using the word "I"
What is first person?
Greg now understands that his father lectures him because he loves Greg and wants him to have a good life.
What is Why does the thought of his father’s lecture make Greg smile?
Waverly’s mother brings her to many shops, without buying much, and introduces her to whoever will listen. Waverly thinks her mother is using her to feel more important, to “show off.”
What is What is Why is Waverly embarrassed by her mother’s behavior?
The word monotony includes which latin root
What is mono?
She has been hospitalized with a nervous breakdown after the death of her son in a car accident on the Brooklyn Bridge.
What is what does Adams learn about his mother at the end of the play.
Point of view where the narrator knows all the thoughts, actions, and feelings of all characters.
What is third person omniscient?
Lemon Brown’s harmonica and newspaper clippings remind him of his son, who died while carrying this treasure. They also remind him of his life as a blues musician.
What is Why does Lemon Brown cherish his treasure?
Waverly feels that her mother doesn’t understand her, the game of chess, or her reasons for playing chess. She believes that her mother tries to take credit for her accomplishments.
What is Why does Waverly view her mother as her opponent?