The Heat is On
Do you hear what I hear?
Light It Up
Catch a Wave
May the Force be with you
Name the three types of heat transfer.
What is conduction, convection and radiation?
Sound travels in waves. Name 2 of these waves.
What is surface, longitudinal and transverse?
The color with the longest wavelength.
What is red?
Describe the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.
What is transverse waves travel in a vertical motion in the direction of the wave. Longitudinal waves also travel in the direction of the wave but move side to side.
When dropping an object, the higher the starting point, the _______ the energy it will have.
What is greater?
Describe what happens when heat is transferred through conduction.
What is the transfer of heat between two objects caused by a temperature difference. Particles must be in contact with each other (should be touching in some form).
Which of these two materials can sound travel the fastest? Rubber or Air?
What is Air? Sound can travel nearly 4 times faster through the air than it does through rubber.
The color with the shortest wavelength.
What is Violet (purple or indigo is also acceptable).
The measure of distance between two crests on a wave
What is wave length?
Name two types of force.
What is push and pull?
What is the movement of heat through gas and liquid due to the movement of currents?
What is convection?
Which of the following can sound travel the fastest? Metal or air?
What is metal? (Remember the pipes?)
All colors make up this kind of light.
What is white light?
The shorter the wavelength, the ______ energy there is traveling through the wave.
What is more?
The higher the fall, the more _____ is generated which releases more energy.
What is force?
A force that opposes motion when one surface exerts on another when the two rub against each other.
What is friction?
The higher the fall, the faster the acceleration which in turn means: the _____ energy is created.
What is more?
The colors of the rainbow, in order.
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet?
The distance a wave travels from the rest position to the crest position of a wave and back again to rest position.
What is wave amplitude?
Energy of movement or motion
What is kinetic energy?
The transfer of heat energy from a heat source through an empty space or the heating of the empty space.
What is radiation?
Describe how light travels to Earth from the Sun.
What is radiation-waves travel to earth through space.
Describe surface waves.
What is a up and down, back and forth motion a wave travels in, creating a circular motion.
Invisible force that pulls objects toward each other.
What is gravity?