Reading Skills
FSA Key Terms
Reading Terms
Figurative Language
The "voice" of a work; the narrator's perspective
What is point of view?
the character or force in conflict with a main character
What is antagonist?
This shows that something is reasonable; for example, your English teacher might remind you to _________the arguments you make in your essay. It can also mean to make excuses for one's actions.
What is justify?
a statement that cannot be proven true or false
What is opinion?
Identify the type of figurative language: "John's answer to the problem was just a Band-Aid, not a solution."
What is a metaphor?
How do I figure out what a word means that I don't know?
What is using context clues
the overall, worldly lesson that can be learned from the story; a repeated idea or lesson in a literary text and often deals with abstract questions, beliefs, or truths
What is theme?
This term means open to interpretation. For example, you can not argue what a movie's plot was, but whether or not you liked the movie is___________.
What is subjective?
a statement that can be proven true or false when research is done. Hint- you write them when you draft essays and short responses.
What is a claim?
BOOM, POW! Is an example of what?
What is onomatopoeia?
the narrator is an observer, but can also zoom in on the thoughts and emotions of any character. This type of narrator "knows all"
What is third person omniscient?
written conversation between two or more characters and identifiable by quotation marks
What is dialogue?
This term means to outline or describe something in detail. For example, when you are trying to explain an argument, you need to _________ that argument.
What is delineate?
the feeling or atmosphere created in the reader by a literary work or passage
What is mood?
Identify the figurative language: "The thunder clapped angrily in the distance."
What is personification?
how the author creates the passage and puts it together (ex. cause and effect, sequencing, problem-solution, etc.)
What is author's organization or text structure?
Describing a text's main idea, important details, and overall meaning in just a few sentences.
What is a summary?
This term means to express, suggest, or show something without stating it directly. For example, a friend’s rude response would_______ that she’s in a foul mood.
What is imply?
Words, phrases, or sentences around a word that help determine an unknown word's meaning
What are context clues?
Identify the figurative language: "Her hair was as soft as a spider web."
What is a simile?
a reflection of a writer's or speaker's attitude toward a subject of a poem, story, or other literary work
What is tone?
This term refers to the feeling a word creates
What is connotation?
This term means looking at things in a detached, impartial, fact-based way. For example, if a police officer falls in love with a witness in a case, it might be hard for him to stay __________.
What is objective?
What does it mean when you are asked, "how does the text structure affect the meaning of the story?" 
What is The way in which the text is organized has a certain impact on the actual meaning or main idea of the story.
Identify the figurative language: "Alice's aunt ate apples and acorns around August."
What is alliteration?