Health Triangle and the Health Continuum
Health Skills
Nutrition Basics
ChooseMyPlate and the Food Pyramid
Stress and Anxiety
Physical, Social, and Mental/Emotional.
What are the three sides of the Health Triangle?
Once you learn good health skills, you use them for life.
What is the reason Health Skills are sometimes known as Life Skills?
Percent Daily Value.
What is the partial amount of the recommended, daily total amount, of a particular nutrient, that a certain food holds based on a 2,000 calorie diet? (%DV)
Strawberries, mangoes, and bananas.
What is an example from the fruit food group?
Things or situations that cause stress.
What is a stressor?
The Health Continuum.
What is the name of the spectrum used to describe your ever changing state of health?
State the Situation.
What is the first step in the Decision Making Process?
Calories, Serving Sive, %DV.
What are the three most important things to look at on a food label?
Green Peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli.
What is an example of a food from the vegetable food group?
The uneasy, and sometimes overwhelming, feeling you get caused by certain situations.
What is stress?
This side of your Health Triangle may be affected if your parents are divorced.
What is the mental/ emotional side of the Health Triangle?
Wearing a bicycle helmet, seat belt, or other protective gear.
What is an example of Practicing Healthful Behaviors?
Calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, sugars, protein, vitamin A&C, calcium, and iron.
What are all of the nutrients always listed on a food label, if present in that food?
Cheese, yogurt, or milk.
What is an example of food from the dairy food group?
The feeling you get when your body and mind perceives a danger.
What is anxiety?
This side of the Health Triangle will most be affected if you get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day.
What is the physical side of the Health Triangle?
Reward yourself for reaching your goal.
What is the last step of the goal setting action plan?
You need to balance the amount of calories you take in with food by then expending those calories with activity.
What is the purpose of having stairs on the side of the "new" food pyramid?
Rice, cereal, or pasta.
What is an example of food from the grains food group?
Meditating, exercising, or counting to ten.
What are healthy ways to relieve stress and anxiety?
This side of the Health Triangle will be affected if you have trouble working well with others.
What is the emotional side of the Health Triangle?
Conflict Resolution.
What is resolving or solving your problems with other in a healthy way?
A guideline that lets you know if a particular nutrient will be found in a high or low amount in a particular food.
What is the 5/20 Rule. <5%DV is not a good source of that nutrient. >20%DV is a good source of that nutrient.
Fish, beans, chicken.
What is an example of food from the protein group?
Parents, teachers, friends, siblings, and/or counselors.
What are sources of support when you are feelings stressed or anxious?