Early People of North America
Early Indigenous People
Voyages of Columbus
Spanish Exploration
Indigenous Nations of the East Coast

Many scientists believe that the land bridge theory explains

A. why the Ice Age delayed migration to South America.

B. why North America experienced an Ice Age.

C. how people first migrated to North America.

C. how people first migrated to North America.


Pre-Columbian American Indian groups lived in the Americas

A. before the settlement of South America.

B. after the arrival of Spanish settlers.

C. before the arrival of European settlers.

C. before the arrival of European settlers.


Why was trade with Asia so important to European nations?

A. Asia had highly prized goods that Europe didn’t have.

B. Europeans wanted to learn more about Asia.

C. Asia was the only place Europeans could sell their wool and timber.

A. Asia had highly prized goods that Europe didn’t have.


In 1492, Spain sent Christopher Columbus to

A. look for the Americas.

B. look for a new route to India.

C. run a colony in Panama.

B. look for a new route to India.


Areas settled by Northeastern Indigenous groups had which geographic features?

A. a coastal plain and lakes

B. rolling hills and a long coastline

C. the Appalachian Mountains and a coastal plain

B. rolling hills and a long coastline


Which statement would most likely appear in an essay about the land bridge theory of migration?

A. Sea levels fell during the most recent Ice Age.

B. A mild climate encouraged hunter-gatherers to travel.

C. Animals were unable to live on the land bridge.

A. Sea levels fell during the most recent Ice Age.


Which option lists only pre-Columbian Indian groups that lived in the Southwest?

A. the Iroquois, the Anasazi, and the Hopewell

B. the Adena, the Hopewell, and the Mississippian

C. the Anasazi, the Hohokam, and the Mogollon

C. the Anasazi, the Hohokam, and the Mogollon


In 1492, Portuguese explorers believed they could get to Asia more quickly by

A. sailing around the southern tip of Africa.

B. traveling with larger caravans.

C. sailing through the Mediterranean Sea.

A. sailing around the southern tip of Africa.


An important resource Spain wanted from its American colonies was

A. horses

B. silk
C. gold

C. gold


Semisedentary Indigenous groups in eastern North America

A. moved inland in the summer.

B. moved to the coast in the winter.

C. moved seasonally to be near food sources.

C. moved seasonally to be near food sources.


In which of the following present-day areas was the Folsom culture found?

A. the Pacific Northwest

B. southern Mexico

C. the Great Plains

C. the Great Plains


What artifacts are the Hohokam people best known for?

A. canals for carrying water to their desert farms

B. distinctive, patterned pottery used for religious ceremonies

C. mounds made for burial and ceremonial purposes

A. canals for carrying water to their desert farms


Why did Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain agree to fund Columbus' voyages?

A. to name all the lands he found after them

B. to bring spices and animals to the Spanish empire

C. to bring riches and power to the Spanish empire

C. to bring riches and power to the Spanish empire


One of the reasons Spain spread Christianity in the Americas was to gain favor with

A. Christopher Columbus

B. England

C. the pope

C. the pope


Most men in Indigenous cultures of the Northeast

A. held councils and built shelters.

B. cared for the elderly and fished.

C. grew food and hunted.

A. held councils and built shelters.


The Clovis, Folsom, and Plano cultures were all based on

A. hunting and gathering.

B. hunting and farming.

C. farming and trading.

A. hunting and gathering.


Both the American Indians of the woodlands and those of the Southwestern desert

A. built houses from wood.

B. hunted and farmed.

C. built dams and canals.

B. hunted and farmed.


Although Columbus did not actually find riches or a sea route to Asia, his voyages

A. extended the Caribbean’s power.

B. extended Spain’s power.

C. extended Italy’s power.

B. extended Spain’s power.


What convinced Inca armies to retreat in their war against the Spanish in 1533?

A. The Spanish executed their emperor.

B. The Spanish captured their capital city.

C. The Spanish captured their emperor.

A. The Spanish executed their emperor.


In approximately 1500, most Indigenous people in the Northeast and the Southeast lived and made decisions in

A. tribes.

B. federations.

C. small groups.

C. small groups.


Which of the following statements best describes the process of how later Paleo-Indian cultures replaced earlier ones?

A. New groups of hunter-gatherers migrated from other areas and replaced the older groups.

B. Over time, groups adapted to changing conditions and developed new tools and habits.

C. Ice Age animals such as mammoths migrated to other areas, forcing cultures to find different food sources.

B. Over time, groups adapted to changing conditions and developed new tools and habits.


Why did American Indians who lived in dry areas make knives from flint rather than slate?

A. Slate was not a good material for constructing tools.

B. Flint was better suited to hunting large animals.

C. Slate was more common in wet microclimates.

C. Slate was more common in wet microclimates.


Catholic priests were some of the harshest critics of Columbus because

A. Columbus claimed new lands for Spain.

B. Columbus enslaved Indigenous peoples.

C. Columbus took funding from Spanish royalty.

B. Columbus enslaved Indigenous peoples.


What did the Spanish missions offer to attract Indigenous people?

A. food and shelter

B. wealth and adventure

C. ships and weapons

A. food and shelter


Which statement best explains how the Iroquois Confederacy was different from other Indigenous confederacies?

A. The Iroquois Confederacy was well organized and effective.

B. The Iroquois Confederacy had members from many tribal groups.

C. The Iroquois Confederacy wanted to conquer other Indigenous groups.

A. The Iroquois Confederacy was well organized and effective.