Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement
Vietnam war
Vietnam War

The goal of the civil rights movement. 

What is to end segregation?


Plessy V Ferguson ruled this.

What is that racial segregation was constitutional?


The US' purpose of the Vietnam war.

What is to prevent the spread of communism in Indochina?


May be considered one of the biggest failures of the 2nd Women's movement.

What is it failed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment?


Name 2 movements that were inspired by the civil rights movement in the 1960s. 

What is The 2nd Women's Movement, the migrant farmers movement, the environmental movement, and the American Indian movement?


Court case that required the integration of public schools. 

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


The civil rights leader who advocated for Black people to control their own economic, political, and social institutions.

Who is Stokely Carmichael?


Author of the Feminine Mystique. 

Who is Betty Friedan?


Nixon's confidants in the Watergate Scandal were attempting to do this. 

What is assure the re-election of Nixon in 1972?


Describe the policy of Vietnamization and its level of success. 

Nixon's policy of slowly removing troops from Vietnam while simultaneously training the South Vietnamese? It was not successful because the country fell to communism?


Passed as a result of the march on Washington and the overall efforts of Dr. King and his efforts.

What is the civil rights act of 1964?


Civil Rights group that advocated for Black Nationalism.

What are the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam?


US president who had a policy of gradually increasing the direct American role in the war. 

Who is President Lyndon B Johnson?


The Vietnam War and Korean war are proxy wars to this larger conflict.

What is the Cold War?


Coined the term Black Power.

Who is Stokely Carmichael?


This was passed following the Selma March in Alabama. 

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?


The outcome of the 1964 Freedom Summer in Mississippi.

What is helped and encouraged Black people to register to vote.


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution did this.

What is allowed the president to take any measures necessary to repel attacks against United States forces and allies in Southeast Asia.


Folllowig the Watergate burglary Nixon was charged with this. 

What is obstruction of justice, misusing the FBI and CIA and the payment of bribes?

*he was not charged with ordering the burglary itself*


Name 3 nonviolent protests used during the civil rights movement. 

What are sit ins, marches, Freedom rides, etc.


Dwight D Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas for this reason.

What is to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision to desegregate public schools?


Difference between Dr. King and Malcolm X's strategy during the civil rights movement. 

Malcolm X- militant, separatist, self defense, speeches

Dr. King- peaceful protest, marches, sit ins, civil disobedience 


Was created to limit Presidential power to send troops into combat. 

What is the war Powers Act?


How the US government justified trying to prevent the public from having access to the Pentagon Papers.

What is it was a threat to national security?


Leader of the migrant farm workers who led the delano grape strike. 

Who is Caesar Chavez?