This is where you sit.
*Points to a student desk*
This is where you get materials when you enter class.
*Points to the white shelf next to the smartboard*
Can I bring my family size bag of Takis to class.
What is our class view on cheating?
What does a raised hand mean?
Asking for help, question, trying to get Mr. Dennis' attention.
*Points to Mr. Dennis' desk*
This is where you can turn in late work.
*Points to the correct late work bin*
What happens if everyone meets their reading goal?
We party it up!
How many times a year will we get new assigned seats?
What does it mean when Mr. Dennis holds out one finger?
This is where you put your 1 inch binders
*Points to the binder shelf*
This is where you can find selective seating.
*Points towards the space by the windows*
What do I do if I wrote on a desk?
Clean it up! Mr. Dennis can get you wipes.
What should I do if I need to make an important phone call?
Let Mr. Dennis know.
What does it mean when Mr. Dennis swipes four fingers across his chin?
What movie/book series is the flag from the back of the room from?
The Lord of the Rings
Complete this sentence you can find around the room: "Beyond here there be___________"
If I turn in an assignment three days late that is worth ten points, how many points are taken off?
What can do if I want to request a graphic novel that the class library and the school library does not have?
Let the Mr. Dennis or the school librarian know.
When Mr. Dennis uses a peace sign, what are the three things I need to do?
1.) Quiet my voice
2.) Face Mr. Dennis
3.) Hold up a peace sign of my own.
The bust in the classroom library is of a writer we will read this year. Who is it?
William Shakespeare
How many dragons can you find in the room?
What happens if you are on your phone twice in one week?
It is given to Mr. Moore. You get it back from him at the end of the day.
How much of your grade are vocabulary quizzes?
What do crossed fingers mean?
"May I use the bathroom?"