The Gooch.
You should(n't) Do this/that?
Stop the violence?
Films will show.

Rooted in respect and kindness. This dynamic can become lifelong in a variety of ways.

What is a relationship?


This character chooses fights that he/she only thinks they will win. If challenged they usually fold easily.

What is a Bully?


If a person makes a responsible decision to possess or own a weapon, these two things are necessary.

What is training and licensure?


This skill is one of the first we learn as babies, it's best applied to the opposite side of anything negative.

What is walking away?


This method of gathering individuals and resources for a common cause, also sounds as if you are working with computers.

What is networking?


This technique shares the name of band exercises, and enables us to "just say NO" to anything negative that we may encounter.

What is resistance?


This unique individual chooses to spew hateful rhetoric at rapid pace with the hopes of harming the spirits and positive feelings of others, and never even showing his/her face.

What is a cyberbully?


This must be fought through to attain success, however fighting is never good.

What is adversity?


This energy source is not so helpful when saturated with it's own kind.

What is saturated fat?


Constant pressure be it from violence or peers, can make life a certain way that it does not have to be.

What is stress/stressful?


This is 'Just" something described by famed 80's hip hop legend Biz Markie, in his quest for a young lady's favor?

What is a friend?


It takes this special part of a person to stand up to a bully be it physical or cyber, and not stand for it.

What is character?


When dealing with things like gangs and illegal weapons, these two factors are to be considered possible outcomes.

What is death or incarceration?


This dynamic can affect an individual over time and negatively change his/her outlook on life.

What is depression?


Championships,  Meeting Fundraiser Goals, are examples of what popular dynamics that usually leaves everyone pleased.

What is group success?


This technique allows us to relax, reset, and remove negative energy and thoughts, with the expectation of positively moving forward.

What is a mindful moment ?


When the bullying type does not fully understand how to verbally communicate his/her feelings, this type of action is often resorted to.

What is physical violence?


Joining one of these entities with the purpose of violently getting the things you want in life, can come with some huge lifer altering risks?

What is a gang?


This west coast hip hop all star line up made this song in an effort to stop gang violence in the late 1980's.

What is 'We're all in the same gang'?


This 1991 film addressed gang violence, and helped to start the careers of iconic entertainers like Regina King and Ice Cube.

What is 'Boyz N the Hood'?


When cooler heads prevail, this technique assists in avoiding negative situations whenever possible.

What is a conflict resolution?


When bullying tactics fail, and defeat or embarrassment is expected, the next tactics usually follows in a further attempt to intimidate and control.

What is a weapon (gun, knife, etc.)?


After several attempts of being asked to do something negative, this word may be used in a more firm tone.

What is a strong "NO"?


This east coast hip hop all star line up made this song in an effort to stop gang violence in the late 1980's. 

What is Self Destruction?


This 1992 cult/"hood" classic addressed issues like violence and peer pressure for inner city youth. It also featured a host of future iconic entertainers like Omar Epps, Queen Latifah, oh yeah and 2Pac Shakur.

What is 'Juice'?