A Retrieved Reformation
Flowers for Algernon
Old Ben/Fox Hunt
The Story Teller
What is the “11:59”? a. the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters b. the time to tell stories of the old days c. the Death Train d. a passenger who tips poorly
What is c. the Death Train
Jimmy wears fancy clothes, eats well, and robs banks for quick money. What does this tell you about him? a. He wants to move to a big city. b. He likes “the good life.” c. He wants to be famous. d. He grew up in poverty.
b. He likes “the good life.”
What form does the story “Flowers for Algernon” take? a. progress reports by Charlie b. medical reports by Charlie's doctors c. diary entries by Miss Kinnian d. job reports by Charlie's boss
a. progress reports by Charlie
Old Ben” suggests that the narrator's willingness to be friendly toward a snake is a. unusual. b. dangerous. c. perfectly normal. d. foolish.
a. unusual.
Where does “The Story-Teller” take place? a. on a train b. on a ship c. on a plane d. in a country house
a. on a train
6. Which event is the resolution of “The 11:59”? a. Lester hears the train whistle. b. Lester locks himself in his apartment. c. Lester meets his old friend Tip. d. Lester dies.
What is d. Lester dies.
Why is Ben Price interested in Jimmy Valentine? a. Ben Price wants Jimmy's safecracking tools. b. Ben Price wants to arrest Jimmy. c. Ben Price wants to be Jimmy's friend. d. Ben Price has known Jimmy from childhood.
b. Ben Price wants to arrest Jimmy.
What is the point of view of “Flowers for Algernon”? a. first person, from Charlie's point of view b. first person, from Charlie's doctors' point of view c. third person, telling the thoughts of many characters d. third person, telling the thoughts of just Charlie and Miss Kinnian
a. first person, from Charlie's point of view
In “Old Ben,” the narrator's father eventually sees Old Ben as a good pet because he a. ignores the cats. b. stays away from the dog. c. gets rid of all the mice in the corncrib. d. gets along with the other barn animals.
c. gets rid of all the mice in the corncrib.
What is the relationship of the bachelor in “The Story-Teller” to the other characters? a. He is the children's uncle. b. He is the aunt's boyfriend. c. He is a neighbor traveling to work. d. He is a stranger.
d. He is a stranger.
What happens to Lester's watch at the end of “The 11:59”? a. It stops. b. It gets crushed. c. It gets stolen. d. It disappears.
a. It stops.
Jimmy meets Annabel, opens a business, and plans to marry. What are these parts of the story's plot called? a. falling action b. resolution c. exposition d. rising action
d. rising action
In “Flowers for Algernon,” what happens during Charlie's first inkblot test? a. He shows he has a strong imagination. b. He shows he has a violent temper. c. He loses to Algernon. d. He fails to see things in the inkblot.
d. He fails to see things in the inkblot.
The author of “Old Ben” uses foreshadowing mainly to a. give the reader important information about the narrator. b. build suspense. c. teach the reader about snakes. d. describe the setting.
b. build suspense.
In “The Story-Teller,” what do the children think of the aunt's story? a. They enjoy it. b. They do not understand it. c. They find it boring and silly. d. They find it comforting and familiar.
c. They find it boring and silly.
While locked in his apartment, Lester looks back over his life. Why does he do this? a. He is bored. b. He is looking for a new story idea. c. He is trying to remember what the 11:59 really is. d. He is preparing to die.
d. He is preparing to die.
What is the climax of “A Retrieved Reformation”? a. The little girl is locked in the safe. b. Ben price lets Jimmy go free. c. Jimmy has a chicken dinner. d. Jimmy meets Annabel.
a. The little girl is locked in the safe.
In “Flowers for Algernon,” why do Charlie's fellow workers want Charlie fired? a. They become jealous when Charlie becomes smart. b. They resent Charlie for damaging the factory. c. They become frightened by Charlie's bad temper. d. They think he is evil.
a. They become jealous when Charlie becomes smart.
In “Fox Hunt,” why does Andy plan to study alone for the PSAT examination? a. because he does not want the other kids to slow him down b. because the only person he wants to study with is Lee c. because he wants to avoid studying for as long as possible d. because the other kids have not invited him to study with them
d. because the other kids have not invited him to study with them
What is the main theme of the story the bachelor tells in “The Story-Teller”? a. Good children win many medals. b. Parks are beautiful places. c. Too much goodness can be bad. d. Good people do something bad eventually.
c. Too much goodness can be bad.
Which statement is true about nonfiction? a. It is told from the author's perspective. b. It includes only imaginary events. c. It includes only opinions. d. Its narrator is a character in the story.
a. It is told from the author's perspective.
____ 13. Which person most affects the surprise ending of “A Retrieved Reformation”? a. Annabel b. Mr. Adams c. Mike Dolan d. Ben Price
d. Ben Price
In “Flowers for Algernon,” why do the doctors use Charlie in their experiment? a. He is the only person willing to do it. b. They know he needs a better job, which he can get if his skills improve. c. They feel he is motivated to try to learn. d. They see that he has bonded with Algernon.
c. They feel he is motivated to try to learn.
Near the end of “Fox Hunt,” what does Lee mean when she says “I'll get my reward someday”? a. that she will someday become Andy's wife b. that she will someday earn a scholarship to college c. that Andy will someday earn enough money to pay her d. that Andy will someday realize her true identity
a. that she will someday become Andy's wife
In “The Story-Teller,” why does the aunt think the bachelor's story is improper? a. The aunt's name is also Bertha. b. It is a long way to Templecombe. c. It makes the unrealistic suggestion that virtue is always rewarded. d. It makes fun of children who are very good.
d. It makes fun of children who are very good.