Number, operations, and Quantitative Reasonin
Patterns, Relationships, & Algebraic Thinking
Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
Probability and Statistics

A side of Ari’s aquarium is a square with an area of 190 square inches. The number of inches of each side of between these two whole numbers —

13 and 14


A store’s records showed that during a one-month period, 3 gallons of milk were sold for every 2 boxes of cereal sold. If 2,864 boxes of cereal were sold that month, what is the number of gallons of milk that were sold?

4,296 gal


A rotation can be described by these two things:

A center point and angle of rotation


The area of square ABCD is 400 square centimeters. What is the area of a square that has a side length that is one-half of the side length of square ABCD?



A random survey of 75 eighth graders at Cedar Middle School showed that 37 of them do volunteer work. What is the approximate number of students who do volunteer work out of the 500 eighth graders at the school?



Mr. Hines paid $8.40 for an international phone call. He paid a fee of $1.25 plus $0.55 per minute. What is an equation that can be used to find x, the length of the call in minutes?

0.55x + 1.25 = 8.40


Caroline used the following formula to determine t, the sales tax on p, the dollar amount of a customer’s total purchase at the candle shop where Caroline works. t = 0.0825p A customer bought a box of red candles for $15 and 2 scented candles for $20 each. What is the sales tax on the customer’s purchase (rounded to the nearest cent)?



A transformation is described by these two things:

Direction and distance


Matt's father has a computer desk in his study. The desktop is 60 inches long and 24 inches wide. Matt's father wants to build a proportionately smaller replica of his desk for Matt to use in his bedroom. If the length of Matt's desktop is 45 inches, then what will be the perimeter?

126 in 


A school committee conducted a survey to find out whether teachers would prefer to start the school day 30 minutes later. Only teachers with children in preschool were surveyed. What is the reason why the results of this survey might NOT be a valid representation of what all the teachers at the school would prefer?

"The survey was not conducted using a random sample of teachers."


Fred pays the same amount of property tax each month. His total property tax for the year is $1,545. What is his monthly tax payment in dollars and cents?



Ashley's mother bought some bottles of juice for her family. The juice was on sale for 3 bottles for $4.50. How much Ashley's mother spent for 8 bottles of juice?



What it is called when a shape is flipped over the x or y axis.



A plastics company makes two sizes of recycling bins in the shape of rectangular prisms. The smaller bin has a volume of 500 cubic inches. The length, width, and height dimensions of the larger bin are twice those of the smaller bin. What is the volume of the larger recycling bin?

4,000 in³ 


Mr. Williams bought three raffle tickets at a marching band fund-raiser. He finds out how many tickets were sold and calculates that his theoretical probability of winning is 1 in 150. What is the number of that tickets were sold?



Lucy reads 450 words in 3 minutes. What is an equation that can be used to find w, the number of words Lucy can read in 20 minutes if she continues to read at the same rate?

 w = (450/3)*20


What is an equation that matches the following statement?

Six less than four times a number is two more than three times that number.

4n - 6 = 3n + 2


The Texas Star, at Fair Park in Dallas, is the largest Ferris wheel in the western hemisphere. It has a diameter of 65 meters. What is the approximate distance traveled by a person who rides this wheel for one complete revolution?

204 m


If triangle ABC has a base of 20 ft and area of 400 square feet, and if triangle DEF is similar and has a base of 10 ft, what would be the area of triangle DEF?

100 ft² 


At the Grand Lakes Basketball Tournament, 4 basketball games are played in 4 different gymnasiums at the same time. If all 4 games begin with a coin toss, what is the probability that all 4 coins will be heads?

one out of sixteen


A hydrogen molecule is 1.5x10¯¹º meters in length. What is the number in decimal?



What is the 7th term of the following sequence? -4,-6,-8,.....-2n-2,...........



What is the quadrant where the point (-6,-4) lies?

Quadrant III


The floor of a room measures 12 feet by 10 feet. The room has 9-foot ceilings. The walls of the room are to be painted. What is the area to be painted?

396 ft² 


During the past winter, the Bender family had monthly heating bills of $79, $146, $212, $149, and $212. State the mean, meadian, mode, and range.

Range: $133, Mode: $212 Median: $149 Mean: $159.60