Grading in General
Grading Policies
Math Lab

What percentage does the test category count towards your overall grade?

Tests count as 40% of the overall grade. 


What is the highest grade you can receive on a late assignment and when is it due?

Late assignments receive a 70% if they are turned in the next class period.


What does IMPACT stand for? (the "M" is for Mindsets)



Personal Responsibility





What supplies am I expected to bring to class each day?

  • Envision Math workbook – can be stored in the classroom 

  • Math binder with dividers

  • Sharpened pencils

  • Charged Laptop 

  • Headphones


Who is the teacher running math lab this year?

Mrs. Zugrave 


Will the cumulative final exam will be counted as 10% of your final grade like upper school?

No. The final exam will be calculated as a normal test grade for the 3rd trimester. 


When are IXL minutes due and do they follow the normal late work policy?

IXL minutes are due Sunday at midnight. They do not folllow the normal late work policy...there is no opportunity for a late grade. The grade will be calculated based on the minutes completed by Sunday at midnight. 


I follow directions and create quality products...what could I receive an IMPACT for?



What are Ms. O'Rear's homework expectations?

I am to complete my homework individually and show all necessary work. 


When is math lab open for students?

Math lab is open during all study halls for students.


True or False: Classwork grades will only be based on accuracy, just like homework. 

False. Classwork grades will mainly be based on accuracy, with occasional completion grades.


True or False: I am offered the opportunity to retake or make corrections to a quiz if I score below a 70%.

False. Quiz grades are as stands. I am allowed to make corrections to a test to receive a grade up to a 70%. Retakes are not offered on either quizzes or tests. 


I am great at advocating for myself...what IMPACT would be recognized?



If my overall average or 3rd trimester average is less than 70%, what are the expectations over the summer so I can be placed into Algebra I?

I am expected to complete and document 10 hours of work with a tutor and retake the final exam. 


When are office hours offered for Ms. O'Rear?

Ms. O'Rear's office hours are during study hall B4a and after school from 3:40-4:00 by appointment only. 


True of False: I should freak out if my first test grade drastically effects my overall average? (justification required)

NO. Tests are weighed the heaviest and affect the grade the most with only one recorded. Take a deep breath...the trimester is long and many grades are still to come. **However, this may be a signal that you need to prepare better for future tests. 


Will test corrections be made during class? If not, when are they due?

No, test corrections will be made outside of class and are due a week after the tests are returned.


I exhibit self-control and self-reflection and always use my technology as expected...what IMPACT award could I be recognized for?

Personal Responsibility


What are the classroom expectations? 

  • Be respectful

  • Be responsible 

  • Be resourceful


What should I do if I do not have study hall during B4a and need additional support?

I should attend math lab during my study hall or I should email Ms. O'Rear to set up an appointment for after school?


What is the difference in grading categories between last year and this year?

Homework was 15% last year. This year homework is only 10%.


What else must you turn in with test corrections in order to receive points back? BE SPECIFIC!

A worksheet with the type of error and the correct answer, with appropriate work is required to get points back. 


What do you feel like is the most difficult IMPACT mindset to consistently exhibit? (more than one answer, but justification needed)



What does it mean to be resourceful? Give at least one example.

I can utilize my notes or other problems, ask/brainstorm with my peers, or think about how strategies apply to different problems.


When is the latest I should email Ms. O'Rear to set up an appointment after school?

I should email the day before by 4pm (Ms O'Rear has a life outside of school and often does not see emails after 5pm and especially not the morning of!!)