Scientific Investigation
Mix it up!
Define matter.
What is anything that has mass and volume?
A proper scientific title should be written as....
What is The Effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable?
Name the four states of matter and give an example of each. BONUS: What is the most common state of matter?
What is solid, liquid, gas, and plasma? Also, examples! Most common state of matter is plasma.
Name the three subatomic particles in an atom.
What is proton, neutron, and electron?
The difference between quantitative and qualitative data.
What is "quantitative data includes numerical results while qualitative data includes descriptive results"?
Define constant.
What is something in an experiment that doesn't change?
The variable plotted on the y-axis or the vertical axis is the.... it is also the data that is collected as your results in an experiment.
What is the dependent variable?
An organic compound contains these two elements.
What is carbon and hydrogen?
The middle of an atom is called the ________.
What is nucleus?
The SI unit for length is....
What is meters?
Define variable.
What is something in an experiment that can change.
The correct SI unit for temperature is...
What is Kelvin?
The definition of a physical property and an example of a physical property.
What is can be observed with your 5 senses? An example is color or melting point.
A majority of the mass of an atom is located in the ______ , while ________ are the lightest part of an atom.
What is nucleus and electrons?
Define an acid, a base, and a salt. Use pH in your definition. Give an example of each.
What is an acid has a pH of lower than 7, a base has a pH of higher than 7, and a salt is a neutral compound made from a reaction between an acid and a base. Examples!
Define independent variable.
What is what you change in an experiment? ex. The effect of the temperature on ice cream. Temperature is the IV because you change it.
The piece of scientific equipment best used for measuring volume.
What is a graduated cylinder?
Particle theory states all matter is made of _____ _______ and those particles move ________ at higher temperatures.
What is tiny particles and faster?
Electrons are found in these.
What is a cloud or a shell or orbital?
If a set of data changes over time, this is the type of graph you should use.
What is a line graph?
Define density and write the equation for density three different ways.
What is mass per unit volume? D=m/v. m=D*v. V=m/D
List the steps of the scientific method in order.
What is 1. Ask a question. 2. Write a hypothesis. 3. Design an experiment. 4. Carry out a procedure. 5. Record and analyze data. 6. Draw conclusions and evaluate hypothesis.?
The difference between a colloid and a suspension.
What is "a colloid contains two or more states and cannot be separated and is homogeneous like jello while a suspension contains a liquid and a solid and will settle if allowed to sit and is heterogeneous like flour and water"?
The definition of atomic mass of an atom.
What is "the number of protons plus the number of neutrons"?
Convert the following .56 L= _(1)_ mL 34.8 cm = _(2)__ km 10.2 mg = __(3)__ g
What is 560 mL, 3.48 x 10^-4 km or 0.000348 km, and 0.0102 g or 1.02 x 10^-2 g?