Grammar & Language
Literary Texts
TDA writing
Informative Texts
Figurative Language

Pronoun _________________agreement is when the pronoun matches another word in number and gender

What is antecedent?


The gist of a story.....or what a story is about.

What is a main idea?


Adding these to your thesis gives the reader a sense of your main points of your TDA.

What are your reasons or examples?


Nonfiction texts are typically written for one of these three purposes.  (you must list all 3)

What are to persuade, to inform, and to entertain?

Identify the type of figurative language: "When we heard that there was an earthquake in California, we offered the citizens a hand immediately."
What is a metaphor?

You use this type of puncutation before a conjunction when you have a compound sentence.

What is a comma?

The overall, worldly lesson that can be learned from the story; a repeated idea or lesson in a literary text that deals with the author's abstract questions, beliefs, or truths about people or life.
What is theme?

One of the main ways students lose focus points on their TDA is by not understanding this.

What is the prompt actually asking you to do?

An argumentative text is based on this.
What is an opinion worth defending?

Identify the type of figurative language: "  The clear torquoise waters lapped gently towards the shore. 

What is imagery?

What is personification?


Using different words in a sentence to understand a word that is unfamiliar.  In other words, when you look at the words around an unfamiliar word to figure out its meaning, you use ___________________.

What is using context clues?

Written conversation between two or more characters and identifiable by quotation marks.
What is dialogue?

Each body paragraph should follow this order.

What are the topic Sentence, text evidence, explanation, and concluding sentence?


"As a result" is a phrase often found in nonfiction texts that have this structure.

What is "cause and effect"?

Identify the figurative language: "The hot chocolate warmed Zoe up like a fluffy blanket."
What is simile?

When the subject performs, or does, the action in a sentence.  This is known as....

What is Active Voice?


Walt Whitman's famous poem used sybolism when referencing this.

What is the Captain is Abraham Lincoln OR the ship referenced (the Northern states of) America?


The explanation for each text quote you cite should follow these guidelines.

What is have both explicit and implicit analysis (your explanation is longer than the quote itself). 


A reading strategy to use when you have multiple paragraphs and need to find the overall meaning of a text.  (hint:  what did we do when we needed to read texts about The Vietnam War?)

What are chunking the text (drawing lines after every 1-3 paragraphs)

Paraphrasing and/or summarizing the text


This is an example of...

Suzy walked down the lonely, dark dirt road towards the abandoned house and thought to herself, "I'm sure I can get help here".  

What is dramatic irony?


When a reader uses parts of a word in order to determine its meaning.  What are the parts of a word called (you need to name 3 terms).

What are prefixes, roots, and suffixes?


Name the sections of a plot diagram.

What is exposition, rising action, climax,  falling action , and resolution.


To complete the TDA, a conclusion paragraph should include these pieces.

What are a paraphrased thesis sentence, one major point you focused on in your essay, and a "take away" idea for the reader to keep thinking about after reading?


These are the different ways a nonfiction text is organized or structured. (name 5)

What are cause and effect, problem and solution, chronological order, sequential, and descriptive or definitions writing?


Identify the figurative language: "The lifeguard warned the little boys at the beach not to go into the riptide, or they could end up in Davey Jones's locker!"

What is allusion?