Nature of Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Atmosphere and Space

Different methods are used in conducting investigations in different fields of science. Which of the following is a scientist is the field of physics most likely to do?

f.model how volcanoes erupt

g.observe fish in ocean ecosystems

h.conduct laboratory experiments on light

i.conduct laboratory experiments on rocks

h.conduct laboratory experiments on light


Which of the following is part of the cell theory and would also apply to BOTH a bacterium and a bird?

a. organisms are made up of cells that make their own food

b. cells of the organisms come from other living cells

c. organisms are made up of more than one cell

d. cells of the organisms have cells walls

b. cells of the organisms come from other living cells


Nelson has a mixture of sand and iron fillings. Which physical property would best help Joshua separate the filings from the sand?

a. conductivity

b. density

c. magnetism

d. solubility

c. magnetisim


There are a variety of landforms found in Florida and the United States. Which of the following are found in other states but are NOT found in Florida?


g.flood plains





Using a telescope, Emily observes two stars. She records her observations that star A is yellow and star B is blue. Which of the following inferences can Emily make based on her observations? 

f. star A is farther from Earth than star B

g. star A is closer to Earth than star B

h. star A is hotter than star B

i. star A is cooler than star B

At a science conference, a scientist present the results of his field study on fossils. Other scientists disagreed with the conclusions and a debate occurred. How might this debate most likely benefit scientific knowledge?

f. by leading to fewer investigations of fossils leading to the rewriting of scientific laws leading to new investigations and a greater understanding of fossils leading to fewer field studies and more laboratory experiments leading to new investigations and a greater understanding of fossils


What is the function of the system that contains the brain, spinal cord, and nerves?

a. to remove waste products from blood and release them from the body

b. to break down food into substances that the body's cells can use

c. to transmit messages between different parts of the body

d. to defend the body against organisms that cause disease

c. to transmit messages between different parts of the body


When the sun rises, it warms the surface water in a pond and a metal boat floating in the water. The water evaporates  and the metal expands and rusts. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

f.water warming up

g.water evaporating

h.metal expanding

i.metal rusting

i.metal rusting


Deposition is a process that builds up Earth's surface. Which of the following events most likely causes deposition to occur?

a. a glacier melts

b.rain falls slowly

c.a river flows faster

d.ocean waves pick up speed

a. a glacier melts


The universe is a vast place made up of many different structures. Which of the following statements best describes how two structures of the universe compare?

a. a galaxy is many times smaller than the solar system

b. the solar system is many times smaller than the sun

c. Earth is many times larger than the solar system

d. the sun is many times larger than the Earth

d. the sun is many times larger than the Earth


A scientist designs and conducts an experiement to see if a new skin cream heals burns faster than an existing cream. Which of the following should the scientist do next to make sure the investigation and results are valid?

a.conduct many trails of the same experiment

b.share the results right away with other scientists and conduct a new experiment to test a different cream and conduct a new experiment to test more than one variable

a.conduct many trails of the same experiment


Which of the following domains are made up of organisms whose cells do not have nuclei?

a.only Archaea

b. Archaea and Bacteria

c. Archaea and Eukarya

d. Bacteria and Eukarya

b. Archaea and Bacteria


Elijah observes a flower and sees that its color is yellow. Which of the following describes why Elijah sees this color of the flowers?

a.the flower absorbs and reflects light

b.the flower absorbs and refracts light

c.the flower reflects and refracts light

d.the flower refracts and blocks light

a.the flower absorbs and reflects light


Which statement is true about Earth's tectonic plates?

a.they are floating on the lithosphere

b.they are rigid pieces of the lithosphere

c.they are stable and do not move

d.they are floating on the liquid core

a.they are floating on the lithosphere


Temperatures in Florida tend to be cooler in January than in July. Which of the following explains this difference in temperatures during different times of the year?

a. how fast Earth spins on axis changes during the year

b. the tilt of Earth's axis changes during the year

c. earth's distance from the sun changes during the year much direct sunlight Florida receives changes during the year much direct sunlight Florida receives changes during the year


When new information is discovered, scientific knowledge changes. Which of the following would NOT be a result of new evidence changing scientific knowledge?

f.a new volcanic island is added to a map of the Pacific Ocean

g.a prey population decreases when a new predator moves into an area data about a space body results in its being reclassified as a moon

i.a newly discovered organism from the deep ocean is classified as an animal

g.a prey population decreases when a new predator moves into an area


A mouse is hunted and eaten by a hawk. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the organisms?

f.the mouse is the hawk's predator

g.the mouse is the hawk's parasite

h.the mouse is the hawk's host

i.the mouse is the hawk's prey

i.the mouse is the hawk's prey


At noon, two objects (Object S and Object T) were placed in a way that both objects were in contact with eachother. For one hour, heat flowed from object T to object S.

Based on this information, which of the following best compares the two objects?

a. at noon, the temperature of object T was lower than the temperature of object S

b. at noon, the temperature of object T was higher than the temperature of object S

c. at noon, the temperature of object T was the same as the temperature of object S

d. at 1:00PM, the temperature of object S was higher than the temperature of object T

b. at noon, the temperature of object T was higher than the temperature of object S


Which of these layers make up most of Earth's mass?

a. crust

b. mantle

c. outer core

d. inner core

b. mantle


The sun's energy heats Earth's surface unevenly, resulting in convection currents in the atmosphere. Which of the following result from these convection currents? winds and local winds breezes but not sea breezes winds but not local winds

d.local winds but not global winds winds and local winds


There are many fields of science, each with its own way of pursuing scientific knowledge. In which field of science would a laboratory experiment on cell division most likely be conducted?







A new species of woodpecker with a very long beak evolves. Which statement most likely explains how the environment influenced the development of this new species?

a. the long beak is a trait developed through genetic engineering

b.the long beak is an adaptation developed through natural selection to help woodpeckers fight off predators

c.the long beak is an adaptation developed through natural selection to help woodpeckers hunt insects that live deep in tree trunks

d.the long beak is a trait inherited from another bird species that moved to the environment to mate with woodpeckers

c.the long beak is an adaptation developed through natural selection to help woodpeckers hunt insects that live deep in tree trunks


Energy can be transformed from one form into another. Which of the following is an example of electrical energy being transformed into mechanical energy?

f. an electric fan turning

g. an electric light glowing

h. a drummer playing a drum

i. a river turning a water wheel

f. an electric fan turning


The convection currents that most scientists think are the cause of tectonic plate movement form in which layer of Earth?

a. crust

b. mantle

c. inner core

d. outer core

b. mantle


Blue stars are the hottest, followed by white and red. If three stars of the same size have these different colors, which one would burn the brightest?

f. blue

g. white

h. red

i. none of the above, they will all burn with the same brightness

i. none of the above, they will all burn with the same brightness