Plate Tectonics
Mapping Earth's Surface
The Earth System
Earth's Atmosphere

The mantle's middle region is hotter and under more pressure than the upper region.

What is the asthenosphere?


These lines on a topographic map represent elevation and relief.

What are contour lines?


For centuries mapmakers drew maps by hand. For example, explorers sketched coastlines as seen from their ships. Then people began to use this process whereby mapmakers determine distances and elevations using instruments and the principles of geometry.

What is surveying?


An envelope of gases that surrounds the planet, it consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases, as well as particles of liquids and solids.

What is Earth's atmosphere?


In this cycle, water vapor enters the atmosphere by evaporation from the oceans and other bodies of water and leaves by precipitation or by condensation on the ground.

What is the water cycle?


This is the transfer of heat by the movement ofa fluid (liquids and gases). Cooler parts ofa fluid are denser and sink.

What is convection?


Topographic maps show Earth's features by using contour lines and these intervals.

What are contour intervals?


As a major source of energy for Earth processes, the sun can be considered part of the Earth system. However, the Earth system has these four main spheres. 

What are the the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the geosphere, and the biosphere?


This instrument is used to measure air pressure. The two common kinds are mercury and aneroid.

What is a barometer?


Relative humidity can be measured with this instrument.

What is a psychrometer?


The upward movement of warm fluid and the downward movement of cool fluid forms a flow called this. 

What is a convection current?


This type of map is a map showing the surface features of an area. They portray the land as if you were looking down on it from above. They provide accurate information on the elevation, relief, and slope of the ground.

What is a topographic map?


These are forces shape the land's surface by building up mountains and other landmasses, and these other forces destroy and wear away landmasses through the process of weathering.

What are constructive and destructive forces?


This  is the layer of the atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from being hit by most meteoroids.

What is the mesosphere?


Small or large, many of these occur when the volume of water in a river increases so much that the river overflows its channel.

What is a flood?


Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions, it can cause rock to break and slip apart or to change its shape. It occurs where two plates slip past each other (like the blades on a pair of scissors).

What is shearing?


This system uses satellite data to help users locate their positions anywhere on or above Earth. 

What is a GPS (Global Positioning System)?


Of an area, this includes its elevation, relief, and landforms.

What is topography?


This atmospheric level has two layers. The lower layer, the ionosphere, begins about 80 kilometers above the surface and extends to about 400 kilometers. The exosphere is the outer layer. It extends from about 400 kilometers outward for thousands of kilometers.

What is the thermosphere?


These are usually caused by dry weather systems that remain in one place for weeks or months at a time.

What are droughts?


When enough stress builds up in rock, the rock breaks, creating this. There are three main types of them: normal, reverse, and strike-slip.

What is a fault?


Much of the data used in mapmaking comes from these photographs which are usually taken by cameras mounted in airplanes.

What are aerial photographs?


This is the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area.

What is relief?


These are classified according to wavelength, or distance between wave peaks. Most of the energy from the sun travels to Earth in the form of visible light and infrared radiation. As smaller amount arrives as ultraviolet radiation.

What are electromagnetic waves?


The descending air in these weather systems  generally causes dry, clear weather.

What is in an anticyclone?