Scientific Method
Energy, Forces, and Motion
What is the name of the step in scientific method where you make an educated prediction about what the answer to your investigative question will be?
What form does all energy travel in?
Which of the following are physical properties? Select All. Yes you need to get all correct for the points! - Color - State of Matter - Flammability - Density - Reactivity with water
Color State of Matter Density
What is one defining feature of a mineral?
- Specific chemical formula - Crystal structure - non-living - naturally occurring - solid at temperatures on earth's crust
What is the name for plants in an ecology energy pyramid?
A(n) _____________ is a guess you can make based on a piece of evidence in text, a graph, or from data
If Ryan is wearing a blue shirt, it means that the shirt is reflecting ___________ color(s) and absorbing ______________ color (s)
It reflects BLUE, which then travels to your eyes so you see blue! All other colors are absorbed.
Rust is the result of Iron (in rocks, our blood, cars, bikes, etc) reacting with what substance?
What does "luster" mean when describing minerals
The way they reflect light: shiny, dull, waxy, etc.
What does all energy start as that is later transferred through ecosystems?
Light energy from the sun!
A furniture mover is trying to figure out what type of surface to put on his truck ramp to make boxes slide more easily. He covers the ramp with various materials and timed how long it took a 20 kg box to slide from the top to the bottom. The materials he used were duct tape, a plastic sheet, and sand paper. What was the independent variable?
The type of material he put on the ramp!
Draw a wave and label the AMPLITUDE and WAVELENGTH
(model on board)
For each situation, label it a Physical Change, a Chemical Change, or both! 1. Baking Cookies 2. Lighting Fireworks 3. Boiling Water
1. Both - Color change, odor, changes texture and shape 2. Both - Color change, gave off light, changed shape 3. Physical - Still water, just changes states
Describe the process any type of rock can go through to become metamorphic
What are the PRODUCTS of photosynthesis?
Glucose and Oxygen
What is the phrase we used in class to remember what a DEPENDENT variable is?
D for Data! It's what we measure, the information we collect
2 parts, must get both right for the points. 1.What is the relationship between mass and gravity? 2.What is the relationship between distance and gravity?
1. More mass equals more gravity! 2. More distance between objects equals less gravitational force!
What are two ways to speed up the rate of a chemical reaction?
Possibilities: - Increase surface area - Add more reactants - Heat the reactants - Use a smaller container - (add a catalyst)
Explain 1 way fossils help us infer earth's history
They can tell us how organisms have changed over time They can tell us what environments used to be like in the area Any others?
Define MUTUALISM and provide one example that does not involve humans (think about our examples from class!)
Many choices...
Why is a control necessary in a scientific investigation?
So that you have a comparison point. That way you know how much affect your changed variables actually had on the 'norm'
Draw a lever that is 15 units long. The effort is being applied to the lefthand side of the lever. The load, or resistance, is on the righthand side. Place a fulcrum that will create a mechanical advantage of 2.
The fulcrum should be after unit 10!
this equation is 'balanced': CH4 2 + O2 = CO2 + 2 H2O What does it mean for an equation to be 'balanced'? Use the words ATOM and CONSERVATION OF MASS
The law of conservation of mass states that matter is not created or destroyed. This means you must have the same amount of atoms in the product that you did in the reactant.
Convection currents are caused by heat from the earth's core. The currents can cause earthquakes and volcanoes as magma rises towards the crust. What energy is given off by A) earthquakes B) volcanoes
A) Mechanical energy - seismic waves! Or sound B) Heat, light, or sound
In 1 or 2 sentences, describe how respiration is involved with YOU! Use the words: mechanical energy, chemical energy (glucose), respiration, and muscle cells
Could be said a few ways...but an example: You have chemical energy (glucose) from the food you eat. Respiration occurs in your muscle cells and breaks down that glucose and it is transformed to mechanical energy to move your body!