What do you do if you see water on the floor in our class bathroom ?
Clean it up or tell the teacher
The leader is picked by who is in classroom first.
True or False
False-ABC order
What is the correct side to walk on in the halls and on the stairs?
On the right hand side.
If a "LOCKOUT" happens you stay OUTSIDE the school and wait for the doors to be unlocked.
True or False
False-you come inside locked doors
What does a cow say to the kid standing in his way?
Do you open the doors if a person knocks at the doors outside our room? Who do you tell?
No,tell the teacher.
CNN 10 is every Monday and Wednesday.
True or False
Tuesday and Thursday
There is no one in the halls and you do not see any teachers around. Is it okay to run to the bathroom?
No, walk don't run.
During a "LOCKDOWN" students move to a place in the room where they cannot be seen.
True or False
True-by the bathroom and stay quiet
Why did the pony get sent to his room?
He wouldn't stop HORSING around.
What is the correct way to go to the lunch room?
In a line and walking
The leader for the week is the line leader.
True or False
What are the PBIS school wide expectations?
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
When we "EVACUATE" we move outside to the New Tech High School and leave our phones behind and bring our backpacks.
True or False
False-we go out to the parking lot
bring our phones if we have one
leave backpacks in room
What does a spider's bride wear?
You are working at your table and another student passes by you. Your table buddy told you they were going to trip the next student that passes by. Do you let them trip the other student? Why?
No. It is just NOT kind.
To get ready for lunch we line up and wash our hand in the cafeteria bathrooms.
True or False
False, we wash our hands in the room as our table is called.
You are eating lunch with friends and another student drops his milk on the floor. He/she does not clean it up and lunch time is over. What could happen if no one cleans it up?
Someone can slip and fall on it.
If you hear "SHELTER" it means go home during the storm.
True or False
False-you go to correct place during the hazard
Where do cows go for entertainment?
They go to the MOOOOOOOOOvies
Students are running around the classroom tables. Do you join them?
Of course, NO.
During "Authors Chair" we......
LISTEN to the speaker have our EYES ON THEM and our VOICES OFF.
True of False
During breakfast time you see a student dropped food off their tray in front of you. They are too far to hear you call them. You choose to leave the mess and not pick it up or tell anyone. You are doing the right thing-Correct (right) or incorrect (wrong)
Incorrect (wrong)
When you hear "HOLD" you go into the HALLS and clear the CLASSROOM.
True or False
False-you go into the classroom and clear the halls.
How does the ocean say HI?
It waves