It's all about water
Mixed Bag
War & Native Americans
Their all R's
Another Mixed Bag

Rivers, Streams, and Lakes are this type of water supply.

What is surface water?


This is a trait that helps an organism survive in a particular environment.

What is an adaptation?


This was a 7 year war between the British and the French over the control of land in the Ohio River Valley and Canada.

What is the French and Indian War?


What are the 3 R's of conservation?

Reduce, reuse, recycle.


This zone is where you are when you stand on the rocks near the ocean shore.

What is the spray zone?


These are challenges in the intertidal zone that organisms living there have to be able to deal with.

What is changing sunlight and temperatures?


This type of pollutant waste includes cholera.

What is human waste?


This General lead the attacks on the French at Fort Duquesne.

Who is General Braddock?


These are important to Intertidal zones because they provide a place to attach to and a place to hide for sea life.

What are rocks?


This was the first attempt at self-government in the New World and at democracy.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This brings constant supplies of nutrients and oxygen to organisms in the intertidal zones.

What is wave action?


This was signed in 1759 after the Fall of Quebec.

What is the Treaty of Paris?

Mississipian indians would do this in a forested area in order to start new farms.

What is slash and burn?


This is often what NonPoint Source Pollution comes from.

What is run-off?


Colonists ignored regulations and traded with lots of different countries during this practice referred to as what?

What is Salutary Neglect?


The are where the ocean meets the land between high and low tides.

What is an intertidal zone?


European countries came to the New World to colonize in search of these three things.

What is God, gold, and glory?


These were used for religious and worship ceremonies in Mississipian Indian Villages.

What are mounds?


Washington's action that saved the entire army from being destroyed.

What is Washington's retreat?


This was a major consequence of the French and Indian War for both the British and the colonists. 

What is debt?


A disinfectant that is added to water in small amounts.

What is Chlorine?


This form of controlling trade was difficult for the British to enforce due to distance and angered the colonists.

What is mercantilism?


This country took gold from the Aztec and Inca Empires in Central and South America.

What is Spain?


This adaptation that some organisms have protects them from the pounding waves of the intertidal zone.

What is a shell that closes?


These are the four zones included int he Intertidal Zone?.

What are the spray zone, the high tide zone, the middle tide zone and the low tide zone?