Myth Types
Mythological Creatures
Elements of Fiction
This type of myth involves an animal that is mischievous.
What is a Trickster myth?
This nasty critter has many heads.
What is a Hydra.
Part of the story where the reader thinks: "Oh I didn't know that. Who's this new character. Oh. Where are we? Ok!"
What is Exposition?
Timothy was born in a rural, backwater section of the American South. The house he grew up in had no electricity or running water. This information helps us understand the character by giving us information about their:
What is setting?
Sparky jumped out of bed. "OH BOY TODAY'S A MONDAY!" He scampered around the room for a few minutes, then pranced to his closet and picked out a bright blue jumper. What a day today was going to be!
What is good lord, like, happy or something. Calm down, kid.
This type of myth involves the main character going through a cycle.
What is a Hero Myth?
A female monster in the form of a bird with a human face. (Or sometimes, a woman with bird legs.)
What is a Harpy?
Part of the story where the reader thinks: "Whew. Glad that's over. So now what, how does everyone get home and what not?"
What is Falling Action?
Throughout the story, Jane becomes a much kinder person. Her friend, Tom, never changes. Tom is a flat, or static, character. Jane is this.
What is a round, or dynamic, character?
"I shivered as I walked through the dim hallway. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I hurried my pace to get away from the frowning portraits gazing down at me."
What is mysterious or spooky.
A giant died, and the hair on his head became trees and the lice on his head became humans. The above is an example of a _______ myth.
What is a Creation Myth?
Medusa was one of these.
What is a Gorgon?
Part of the story where the reader thinks: "NOoooo! The main character is lying on the ground! The villain has the sword! The castle is on fire! AHHHH!"
What is Climax?
He leapt to his feet, drew his sword, and challenged his opponent: "You'll never take me alive!" The above is an example of ____ point-of-view.
What is third-person?
The fires raged all around the dueling pair. Their swords reflected the blaze of the fire, and the sounds from their blades were as thunder. Above them, the Dragon circled, choosing its prey carefully.
What is Exciting?
A long, long time ago, the maple syrup factory exploded, sending waves of maple syrup into the streets. At first, the survivors were horrified, but then insects ate most of the maple syrup, spreading hope to mankind. This is a silly example of a _______ myth.
What is Flood Myth?
Plug your hears, sailors. These ladies will lead you astray!
What is a Siren?
Part of the story where the reader thinks: "Oh gosh, things are getting kind of complicated for these characters. I'm not sure this will all turn out ok."
What is Rising Action?
This is the literary term for the sequence of events in a story.
What is plot?
Rainwater snaked its way down the window glass: a little shoot or finger, top left to bottom right, dashing along and then stopping, trembling; then leaping forward, darting from drop to drop, safe harbors, running until they were too heavy to stop, off the window and down the road. Kenny gave them names, like racehorses.
What is Melancholy or Reflective?
The ancient peoples had no _____, but the gods did. The people strapped wings to one of their bravest warriors. Up he flew to the heavens. He stole the ______, and flew down to humanity. Since then, humanity has had _____. There have also been complications since then. The above is a silly example of a ______ myth.
What is a Fire Myth?
Could be a dragon. Could be a snake with feathers glued on. Aztecs.
What is Quetzalcoatl?
Part of the story where the reader thinks: "I wonder how I can apply these lessons to my own life. Hmmm"
What is Denoument or Conclusion?
This is the literary term for the section of a story that orients the reader.
What is Exposition?
It got cold, stayed cold for two weeks at the end of November and the beginning of December, the last of autumn stripped off the trees. A couple of inches of snow was all but it stayed- not in town, where it rotted quickly to nothing, but out in the suburbs, in the playing fields and lawns and remnant pockets of forest.
What is Dismal or Bleak?