Multiple Choice #1
Multiple Choice #2
Big Questions
Don't mess with Texas
Warning: Tough Questions

The Canal based in New York which helped improve trade and transportation

Erie Canal


The right to vote



What were some of the policies of Andrew Jackson?

Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, etc.


What are some Geographic benefits to the annexation of Texas?

A border with Mexico along the Rio-Grande, more costal access.


What were some struggles the Pioneers faced on their journey west?

A lack of food, a lack of supplies, tough winters.


The Act decided by the Supreme Court which allowed Natives to lose land

Indian Removal Act


The status in which a political party has the power to govern



This is based on YOUR opinion, however you MUST explain why you feel a certain way.

Must include your idea and reasons why.


What was the "Battle of the Alamo?"

It was the massacre of Texans after Mexican Soliders broke into the Alamo.


What was a National Bank and how did its removal lead to American Economic Collapse?

The National Bank was set up by the Federalist Party and managed American money. It could raise and lower interests rates, and its removal by the Federal Government rid the country of experienced leaders and structures which kept the country running.


Money collected by the government from citizens which the government can use for projects



A state of government in which the winner, and the winner’s friends, take all

Spoils System


What was the “Trail of Tears” and what were the main reasons for the removal of East Coast Native Americans from their territory?

The “Trail of Tears,” was the journey of American Indians, especially the Cherokee who were forced to modern-day Oklahoma in an unconstitutional plan largely by Andrew Jackson.


How did the issue of Slavery affect Texan Annexation.

Several Americans opposed Texan Annexation due to being reluctant to slavery expansion.


How does American Industry get affected by Tariffs?

Industry can often be helped due to more goods being made in America, but a downside may lead to prices increasing and the possibilities of a trade war between nations.


The major political party of the first half of the 19th Century, founded by Andrew Jackson, anti-tariff, mixed on slavery, and pro-French

Democratic Party


The territory on the border of a nation that are often unsettled or structured



What was the National Bank and how did its removal by President Jackson affect the American Economy?

The National Bank was a bank set up by the Federalists that was apolitical and decided on how American money was spent and whether it could be inflated or deflated, and its removal led to economic collapse and a large amount of Anti-Jackson beliefs.


What were some issues with the Mexican Government that helped it loose the Mexican-American War.

It had a very corrupt government led by a dictator known as Santa Anna.


What is “Manifest Destiny” and how did it help in America’s rise to Great Power status?

“Manifest Destiny” is the American belief that it was America’s God given duty to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and opened major trade routes and provided room for expanded industry to make America stronger.


The political party that rose from the remains of the Federalist Party, was somewhat abolitionist, big on tariffs, and pro-British

Whig Party


The power of a state to do as it’s people wish

States’ Rights


What is the “American System” and how did it build up the American economy?

The American system was a plan which focused on infrastructure, tariffs, and trade, which built up the early American economy and made it self-reliant.


Why do you think so many Americans would be for or against the annexation of Texas into the Union?

Many Americans supported Texas annexation because it grew the land, natural resources, and population of the country, while many opposed it because it would take time to integrate Texas into the Union, and it led to an expansion of the slavery issue and further divided the country.


What is a Tariff and why was the Northern United States so in favor of them, and why was the Southern United States so against them?

A tariff is a tax against foreign goods that often lead to boycotts against foreign goods and are meant to build up American industry. The North was in favor of them because it was a largely industrial region that supported the build up of American industry. The South was against them because they relied on foreign goods to fuel their largely agricultural economy.