Making Inferences
Context Clues
Mixed Review

A person, place, object or action that stands for something beyond itself.

What is symbolism

Renee was shocked when she opened the door to her apartment. The table was turned over and the lamp was broken. Right away she noticed that her television was missing. What can you infer?

What is "Someone has broken into her apartment."


You need to cease talking while your classmates are taking their test. What does cease mean? 

What is to stop


What does the prefix re mean?

What is again


You use your background knowledge combined with what the text says to make these

What is making inferences


Words or phrases that appeal to the 5 senses 

What is imagery


A woman walks into a hospital clutching her stomach and yelling at her husband, who trails behind her carrying a large bag. What can you infer? 

What is "She is in labor and or she is going to have a baby."


The students were eager to start their summer vacations. What does eager mean?

What is excited and or ready.


This root word means thousand

What is kilo


This is when a narrator  knows the thoughts, words and actions of all characters.

What is third person ominscient point of view


Poems are divided into  

What are stanzas


Tami loved biking. She had biked in all kinds of weather. She had been planning this bike trip for weeks.  She woke up early and looked out the window. It was raining! Make a prediction about whether or not Tami will go on her bike trip today.

What is "Tami will go on her bike trip even though it is raining"?


No matter how much the woman yelled at him at about her lost check, the mailman remained  calm and civil.

What is polite/courteous.


This root word means bad

What is "mal"


What is a flashback?

 What is when a story goes back to events in the past.


The feeling you get after reading something

What is mood


A man is running after a bus, waving his briefcase frantically. What can you infer?

His missed the bus and/or he will be late for work.


Some dog whistles make high pitched sounds that are only audible to dogs.

What is able to be heard.


This prefix means "after"

What is post


What is a metaphor? 

A direct comparison of two things that does not use like or as.


Edgar Allan's Poe's wife was the inspiration for this famous poem that we read in class.

What is Annabel Lee


 Jake almost wished he hadn't listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella even though he felt silly carrying it on such a sunny morning. What can you infer?

He listed to the weather report on the radio and they are calling for rain.


 Angela feigned illness so that she would not have to go to volleyball practice. What does feigned mean?

What is pretended and or faked. 


This root word means to hear

What is aud

Explain the difference between tone and mood.

Tone is the author's attitude toward the subject. Mood is the feeling the reader gets from the text.