Amendments and Rights
Conflict and War
Valdez's Random Room

What is the first amendment and why is it important? 

What is Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Religion, Press.


Which geographic region had rich fertile soil and long hot summer which was perfect for establishing plantations to grow and sell cash crops?

What is South / Southern Region.


How were Native Americans treated throughout history? Explain your answer

What is Bad/ Unfairly.


Who was President during the Civil War?

Who is Abraham Lincoln 


What will Mr.Valdez give you on Friday if you lock in from now through Thursday? 

What is a Pizza Party


What are the three natural rights that cannot be taken away? 

What are Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness (Property).


Which geographic region relied mostly on shipbuilding, whaling and lumber because it was a cold and rocky area?

What is Northern Region / New England


Why did the FRANCE colonize North America and which other European country did they have Beef with.

What is To Trade, Great Britain/ England 


What is the name of being able to buy, sell anything you want and the government protecting the rights of business. 

Free-Enterprise System


What subjects, grades and sports does Mr.Valdez coach and teach?

What is 8th Grade SS, 7th Grade Science, Middle School Football, Elementary Soccer


What is an Abolitionist ? And what rights were they fighting for? Give an example of one Abolitionist.  

An Abolitionist is someone who wants to end slavery or supports the rights of Enslaved People. Fredrick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton


How many American Colonies were there? 

What is 13 /  13 Colonies 


Which war was the Battle of Gettysburg in? Why was it important and who won ? 

What is Civil War, North beat the South, Considered the turning point of the Civil War the South's hopes of winning was crushed.


The term where two enemy sides come to an agreement or stop fighting? 

What is a treaty. 


What was the first topic we learned about even before learning about Christopher Columbus. 

What are the The Three G's !


What is the 8th Amendment and why is it important? 

What is No cruel and unusual punishment or excessive fines or bails. 


What city and state did Lincoln give his Gettysburg Address?

What is Gettysburg Pennsylvania.


Which war was fought between loyalist and patriots ? Who won ? And why was this war Important? 

The American Revolution, Patriots (Americans) beat the Loyalist (British), America gained their independence from England. 


Name all three branches of the government and their responsibility. 

Legislative - Write the law

Executive - Enforces the Law

Judicial - Interprets the Law


How many years has Mr.Valdez been teaching?

What is 3 / 3 Years


Explain Suffrage 

What is the right to vote / the right for women to vote. 


Identify and explain the term of American's explanation of expanding west 

What is Manifest Destiny. God's divine right for Americans to expand from east to west 


What's a Rebellion ? Give me 2 examples of Rebellions we have learned this year.

What is Resistance of Control, Shays Rebellions, American Revolution, Nat Turner Rebellion, Harriet Tubman,


Once an immigrant because a citizen their MAIN responsibility is to do what? 

Obey the law. 


When is the last day of school for students?

What is May 22nd!