Matter and Energy
Force and Motion
Earth and Space
Earth and Space

This subatomic structure has a negative charge

What is electron


As a roller coaster rolls down the track, energy is converted from potential to _____ energy.

What is kinetic energy


These are the 3 ways that tectonic plates interact with each other

What is converge, diverge, and transform


The sun appears so bright to us here on Earth, compared to other stars in the night sky due to 

What is the Sun is the only star in our solar system and it is the star closest to planet Earth 


This is the variety of plant and animal life on Earth

What is Biodiversity


This subatomic particle has no charge

What is neutron


True or False:  The greater the mass the less the inertia.

False: Objects resist changes.  More mass is equal to more inertia.  Less mass is equal to less inertia.


This is where earth is located in the Milky Way

What is in one of the spiral arms (about 2/3 of the way out from the center)


Day and night are caused by this movement of the Earth

What is Earth's rotation on its axis


Should the producers in a food web with little biodiversity all die, this could happen

What is animals could die off sooner than they would in a bigger food web


This is used to determine what group an element belongs to

What is valence electron


Team blue is pulling on a rope with 450 Newtons. Team red is pulling on the other side of the rope with 500 Newtons. The rope will move because the net force is this.

What is unbalanced


This phase of the moon comes after the full moon

What is waning gibbous


Seasonal change on Earth is caused by these 2 things 

What is the Earth's revolution around the Sun and Earth's 23.5 degree tilt on it's axis


Natural disasters like tornados or hurricanes are examples of this environmental change

What is short term


This is used to determine what period an element belongs to

What is number of shells/orbitals


When the motion of an object resists changing (like when the driver of a vehicle steps on the breaks, but your body keeps going forward).

What is inertia 


True or False: The sun is a medium sized star

What is true


This type of galaxy is brightest toward the center because stars in this type of galaxy crowd in the center of the galaxy.

What is an elliptical galaxy


Climate change is an example of this environmental change

What is long term


This element is more reactive: Gold or Neon

What is Gold


Two vehicles are coming to a stop light. One vehicle is a Ford truck (mass = 5 tons) and the other vehicle is a Prius (mass = 2 tons). If both vehicles start at the same acceleration, this vehicle will have the greatest force. 

What is the Ford truck


Contour lines that are close together represent this type of slope

What is steep


The type of boundary responsible for the creation of the Iceland Rift Valley 

What is a divergent plate boundary 


All energy in a food web originates here

What is the sun