Ungifted by Gordon Korman
Random Trivia
Scholarly Argument
Mrs. Sherwood's Class

Who wrote the book Ungifted?

(¿Quién escribió el libro Ungifted?)

Gordan Korman

What is missing from the quote below? (¿Qué falta en la siguiente cita?)

I planted myself upon the truth, and the truth only, so, as far I knew it, or could be brought to know it. -Abraham Lincon

Quotation marks!


What is the most popular sport in the world?

¿Cuál es el deporte más popular del mundo?




What is a claim?

(¿Qué es un affirmación?)

A statement that takes a side (voicing your opinion) and answers a writing prompt or question

(Una afirmación que toma partido (expresando tu opinión) y responde a la pregunta de la redacción.)


Are you allowed to submit late work in this class?



What is the main character's name in the story, Ungifted?

(¿Cómo se llama el protagonista de la historia?)

Donovan Curtis


Where does the comma belong in the following sentence? (¿Qué lugar ocupa la coma en la siguiente frase?)

Life is hard sometimes that's why I have a happy place ready in my head.

Life is hard sometimes, that's why I have a happy place ready in my head.

Between the words "sometimes" and "that's"


What is the longest day of the year called?

Summer Solstice


How is evidence related to your claim?

(¿Qué relación guardan las pruebas con su afirmación?)

Evidence supports the claim.

(Las pruebas respaldan la afirmación.)


True or False:

Turning in late work or incomplete work is better than turning in nothing at all. 


(this helps you get points for the work you've completed even if it wasn't as high a grade as you wanted)


Random Fact! Who did Donovan know from elementary school when he arrived at the gifted school?

(¡Dato aleatorio! ¿A quién conocía Donovan de la escuela primaria cuando llegó a la escuela de superdotados?)

Chloe Garfinkle


Which sentence is written correctly below? (¿Qué frase está escrita correctamente a continuación?)

A: Sometimes feel I cranky when I with family.

B: Sometimes I feel cranky when I am with family.

C: sometimes i feel cranky when  am with family

B: Sometimes I feel cranky when I am with family.


Name one of the national parks in Utah.

Nombra uno de los parques nacionales de Utah.


Bryce Canyon


Capitol Reef



What is an argumentative essay?

(¿Qué es un ensayo argumentativo?)

A type of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.

(Tipo de redacción que requiere que el alumno investigue un tema, recopile, genere y evalúe pruebas y establezca una posición sobre el tema de forma concisa.)


True or False.

Bringing a chromebook every single day is unecessary.

False. W

We use chrome books nearly every day in class, so please bring yours!


What is the main lesson that Donovan learned in the book Ungifted?

(v¿Cuál es la principal lección que aprende Donovan en el libro?)

Donovan learned about honesty. Donovan learned about hard work. 


What is the adverb of the word "smooth"

¿Cuál es el adverbio de la palabra "suave"?



Who is the song "Beat it" by?

(¿De quién es la canción "Beat it"?)

Michael Jackson


What 3 types of websites are considered reliable? (instead of a .com you'll see a....)

¿Qué tipo de sitios web se consideran fiables? (en lugar de un .com verá un....)





When should chairs be put up on the tables? When do we start cleaning up for the school day?

2-3 minutes before class is over. 

Example: if school get's out at 2:55, start cleaning up about 2:52 or 2:53pm.


Who ended up cheating for Donovan on his reassessment for the gifted school?

(¿Quién acabó engañando a Donovan en su reevaluación para la escuela de superdotados?)



What are the three dots (...) at the end of a sentence called?

¿Cómo se llaman los tres puntos (...) al final de una frase?



The unicorn is the national animal of which country? 

(¿De qué país es el unicornio el animal nacional?)

  • Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Taiwan
  • Canada



What are the steps to writing a conclusion paragraph in an argumentative essay?

(¿Cuáles son los pasos para escribir un párrafo de conclusión en un ensayo argumentativo?)

1. rephrase your claim

2. provide evidence to support your claim

3. summarize your essay in 2-4 sentences

1. reformule su afirmación

2. proporcione pruebas que respalden su afirmación

3. resuma su ensayo en 2-4 frases


Mrs. Sherwood believes in natural consequences. What is a natural consequence for submitting all work on time?

Option 1: Getting feedback or comments on the assignment with a chance to redo it for higher credit.

Option 2: Passing class for submitting all assignments.

Option 3: Prepared to learn the next thing in class because I submitted the previous assignments on time.

Option 4: Higher grades.