Literature Terms
Literature Novels
Where would you find an epitaph?
What is a cemetery
Define imagery
What is a piece of text that paints a picture and helps the reader visualize.
What is the setting of Romeo and Juliet?
What is Verona, Italy
Name 3 proper nouns
What is anything that is a specific name or place
Where did Mrs. S. grow up?
What is New York/Long Island
Define and find the part of speech for bonanza
What is noun, something very valuable; a large amount; a profit or gain; a source of wealth or prosperity
What genres do The House of Dies Drear and Romeo and Juliet fall under?
What is HODD: Mystery/Historical Fiction, R&J: tragedy
Name the authors of The House of Dies Drear and Romeo and Juliet.
What is Virginia Hamilton and William Shakespeare
Is this a sentence or fragment? If it is a fragment, what is missing? Although some students are older.
What is fragment. It has no predicate.
How many total students do we have in our class?
What is 27
Why would Batman be considered incognito?
What is because he is disguised or under a new assumed name or identity
Define onomatopoeia and give 2 examples
What is a word that imitates a sound. Examples: buzz, sniff, zoom, screech....etc.
Who are the protagonist and antagonist in The House of Dies Drear?
What is protagonist: Thomas Small, antagonist: The Darrows
Name 2 personal pronouns and 2 interrogative pronouns
What is personal: he, she, him, her, it...etc. interrogative: who, what, which.
How many total teachers do we have in our school (Specials teacher included. Think of teachers you could get a grade from)
What is What is 14: Mrs. Vesely, Mrs. Missak, Mrs. Kozar, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Cosentino, Ms. Yusko, Mrs. Knierim, Mrs. Krasno, Mrs. Haffner, Mrs. Tuch, Mrs. Smorczewski, Mr. Marcotte, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Majich
Name something that could be frivolous and tell why
What is anything that is not important or not worthy of serious attention (need to tell why: answers will vary)
What is the difference between foreshadowing and predicting?
What is foreshadowing is the text showing a hint of what will happen next and evokes a feeling, while predicting is your own thoughts about what will happen next.
Name 3 Capulets and 3 Montagues
What is Capulets: Juliet, Lady C., Lord C., Nurse, Tybalt Montagues: Romeo, Lady M., Lord M., Benvolio, Mercutio
Describe what an adverb does, and give an example of an adverb.
What is describes a verb, adjective, or another verb. Swiftly, quickly, quietly, sometimes, more, much....etc.
What college did Mrs. S. go to? Hint 1: It is not in Illinois Hint 2: It is part of the Big 10
What is Indiana University GO HOOSIERS!
Name a synonym and antonym for turncoat
What is synonym: traitor, renegade, deserter antonym: loyalist, diehard
Name all 5 parts of a plot
What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Name 2 instances of history within The House of Dies Drear
What is the tunnels indicate possible Underground Railroad pathways, Mr. Pluto's ancestors were slaves (as Dies Drear was)....etc.
Find the adverbs in the following sentence and what they modify: She would never finish her homework very quickly.
What is never: finish, very: quickly, quickly: finish
Name 5 of the Ten Commandments
What is I am the Lord, your God; Thou shalt bring no false idols before me; Do not take the Lord's name in vain; Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy; Honor thy father and mother; Thou shall not kill; Thou shall not commit adultery; Thou shall not steal; Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; Thou shall not covert your neighbor's wife