Citing Evidence
Point of View

What is evidence? 

Information provided in a text used to support a claim, main idea, inference or conclusion.


What are inferences? 

Educated guesses.


How many types of point of view (POV) are there?

4 types


How many types of irony are there?

3 types


What are characters?

People or animals that are in the text


What's the difference between explicit and implicit information?

Explicit information is clearly stated and implicit you have to read between the lines.


When making inferences, what clues should you pay attention to? 

You should use the text, pictures and your own background/experiences.  


Which point of view typically uses the pronouns "I, me and my"?

FIRST person point of view


What is verbal irony?

Something that is sarcastic or saying one thing but meaning another.


What types of words do you use to express personality traits?



When you paraphrase, what are you being asked to do?

Putting the information you read into your own words and adding your own spin on it.


As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time. --- Make an inference, where is this person?

In a candy store.


What are the two types of third person point of view? Explain them. 

Limited and Omniscient 


What is situational irony?

Expecting one thing to happen but the opposite happens.


What is a round character?

A round character is a personal that we know a lot about. They have depth to them. 


When citing a direct quote, what punctuation mark do you have to use?

Quotation marks.


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing. --- Make an inference, where is this person?

At a hair salon. 


What is the least often used point of view?

SECOND person point of view


What is dramatic irony?

When the audience knows more about an event, situation or conversation than the characters in the actual text/movie.

Explain the difference between internal and external traits. 

Internal traits are on the inside AKA personality traits. While external traits are on the outside AKA physical appearance. 


What does the acronym RACE stand for?

R- restate the question

A- answer the question

C- cite evidence 

E- explain that evidence


Read the passage: " Her husband drew the talisman from his pocket, and then all three burst into laughter as the sergeant-major, with a look of alarm on his face, caught him by the arm. " ---Make an inference about how Sergeant Major Morris felt. 

Answers may vary.


Walter crumpled the business section of the newspaper. He couldn't believe the headline: "Zanogram Sold for 4 Billions Smackaroos!" He could recall starting that company with his partner Zap just a few years earlier. Now Walter had nothing and was riding the bus while Zap took champagne bubble baths. The bus driver noticed that Walter looked distressed. He was genuinely concerned about Walter, but he had learned a long time ago not to pry into the fare's affairs. ---What POV is this being told from?

THIRD person OMNISCIENT point of view


A mother comes into the TV room and discovers her 11-year-old watching television instead of doing his homework. Pointing to the screen she says, “I see you are busy, kiddo, but when you're finished with your serious studies there, maybe we could take some time out for recreation and do a little math.” ---What type of irony is being used?

Verbal irony. 


How can character motivation affect the choices they make in the text?

Answers may vary.