Colonization/Characteristics of Land

What were some reasons the Europeans wanted to explore North America?

(What is) G-religious freedom, fleeing persecution ,, G-economic opportunities, farming, trade, resources, land ,, G-political freedom, seeking more self-governance


BONUS: First group to stand up and show what their gun sounds like gets this point

pew pew pew


This was the first permanent English settlement in North America and was founded by the Virginia Company

(What is) Jamestown - 1607


The Stamp Act did what?

(What is) It required that all legal and commercial documents, such as diplomas, contracts, wills, newspapers, and playing cards, have an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid


This person is the most extra in class.

(Who is) Aiden, Macy, Isaac, Gabby, Addy, Christian, Ja'Cobi


What region is known for its natural harbors, logging, fishing, and rocky soil?

(What is) the Northern (New England) Region


This was a protest by the Sons of Liberty where they claimed "no taxation without representation" and tossed chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

(What is) The Boston Tea Party

This place was the landing spot for the Pilgrims who were seeking religious freedom 

(What is) Plymouth - 1620


This was also known as the Coercive Acts; it was the British reaction to the Boston Tea Party where they closed the port of Boston until the tea was paid for.

(What is) the Intolerable Acts

Name all of the Bill of Rights



A large farm or estate that specializes in a cash crop is known as...

(What is) The Plantation System


This was a massacre of American colonists on March 5th, 1770 where British soldiers shot into a crowd killing 5 people in Boston (Paul Revere created an image describing this event)

(What is) the Boston Massacre

Please explain what Anne Hutchinson, Pocohantas, and Eliza Pinckney are known for.

(What is) Religion, Communication, Indigo


Laws that required the return of slaves to their owners or gave the slaveholders the right to pursue and recapture runaway slaves is known as...

(What is) The Fugitive Slave Acts


What was the transatlantic slave trade?

(What is) European slavers transferred 12.5 million Africans onto slave ships and transported them to the Americas


Explain what Mercantilism is

(What is) a system by which a nation increases its wealth and power by obtaining gold and silver from its colonies. It includes a favorable balance of trade. The colonies become a source of raw materials for the mother country. The colonies are also expected to purchase manufactured goods from the mother country. 


This Battle was fought on American soil and known as the "Shot Heard Round the World," this was the start of the American Revolutionary War

(What is) The Battles of Lexington and Concord


This Colony was the first attempt by England to establish a permanent settlement in the New World. The colony was founded in 1585, but when a ship visited in 1590, the colonists had disappeared. The fate of the colonists remains unknown

(What is) Roanoke - 1585


What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?

(What is) First democratically elected legislative body in British North America was made up of delegates elected from each county in Virginia, this also held ideas and leaders that helped bring about the American Revolutionary War


Describe the French and Indian War

(What is) It was fought between France and Great Britain to determine control of the Ohio River Valley, both sides wanted fur trade and westward expansion


What was the Plymouth Colony?

(What is) allowed self-governing churches with each congregation independent and electing its own pastor and officers


This was a revivalist movement where preachers spoke to groups arguing that people could earn their salvation with repentance and by studying the Bible.

(What is) The First Great Awakening


The Pilgrims/Puritans settled in this Colony

(What is) Massachusetts


This was where the colonists were forbidden to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains because Great Britain wanted a buffer zone between the colonists and American Indian tribes to reduce the threat of violence, but the colonists wanted to settle the fertile Ohio River Valley

(What is) the Proclamation of 1763


What were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

(What is) It limited the government, it was the first written constitution in the Western world, and people had the right to elect governors, judges, and a legislature