State of the atmosphere at a certain time.
Study of weather and atmospheric conditions.
How many low-level clouds are recognized?
Fog is a ____ cloud that has developed at the surface of the earth.
Year-round weather typical of a certain place.
The drops of water we feel on the grass in the mornings despite no precipitation overnight is called __.
Amount of water vapor in the air.
These clouds typically produce lightning and thunder.
When does advection fog occur? *be specific*
Day or night
Liquid or solid water falling to the Earth's surface is called ___.
If molecules in water vapor lose enough energy, they will return to a liquid state through what process?
Process of a liquid becoming a gas.
Cirrus clouds are considered ____ level clouds.
This fog forms when a warm, humid breeze blows over a cold surface.
Advection Fog
Thick, brownishhaze that results from complex molecules released into the air by cars, buses, trucks, lawn mowers, and some factories.
Photochemical Smog
Ice deposits well-known for their intricate designs on windows.
_____ is usually given as a perentage and changes based on the actual humidty in the air and the temperature.
Relative Humidity
These clouds look similar to stratus clouds but are much thicker, blocking out any view of the sun or moon.
When is radiation fog most common?
Autumn nights.
There are three major factors affecting the earth's variable weather; heat energy, uneven distribution of heat energy, and ___.
Water vapor in the atmosphere
Technically, a ground-level cloud is only fog if the visibility is less than 0.6 mi; the cloud is considered __ if the visibility is greater than 0.6 mi.
When air cools, it becomes saturated at the temperature called the ____.
Dew Point
These clouds are thin, transluscent, and spread like a sheet.
This kind of fog is found along the slopes of mountains and can cover a large area for several days.
Upslope Fog
This process occurs when the temperature of air drops below the frost point; the air's water vapor then skips the liquid stage and changes direcrly into a crystal ice.