
Why did the United States adopt a strict isolationist sentiment regarding foreign policy in the 1920s and 1930s?

Americans remembered World War I as a time of loss and believed they were needlessly dragged into it.


Why is anarchy represented as a fire in this cartoon?

to symbolize the rapid spread and destructive nature of anarchy


Name one key political, social, or economic change that shaped the United States in the 1920s. How did this change influence American society and culture during this era?

What is not baseball?

  • Strong engineering proposals use evidence to describe why the design is optimal, including a discussion of ______ and comparisons to earlier iterations.

What are trade-offs?


_ are evaluated based on how they address the criteria.

What are results?


Why are the people in the photograph gathered?

to demand better wages and working conditions due to economic challenges and inflation


“Dear Old Friend: . . . I thought I would write you a few . . . facts of the present condition of the north. . . . People are coming here every day and are finding employment. Nothing here but money and it is not hard to get. . . . I have children in school every day with the white children.”

What can be inferred about the experiences of this African American migrant from Alabama after moving to Chicago in 1917?

The migrant found Chicago to be a place of economic opportunity and observed integrated schooling.

  • Solutions to a problem will differ based on the defined ______.

What is criteria?

  • An engineer's written proposal explains to others how and why a ___ ___ works.

What are design solutions?

  • Trade-offs may make it difficult or impossible to meet all the _____ for a design project.

What is criteria?


What was the effect of the influenza pandemic of 1918 on the global population?

The flu spread rapidly due to crowded wartime conditions and overwhelmed hospitals, leading to millions of deaths worldwide.


“Like a prairie-fire, the blaze of revolution was sweeping over every American institution of law and order a year ago. . . . Robbery, not war, is the ideal of communism. . . . Upon these two basic certainties, first that the ‘Reds’ were criminal aliens and secondly that the American Government must prevent crime, it was decided that there could be no nice distinctions drawn between the theoretical ideals of the radicals and their actual violations of our national laws. . . . It is my belief that while they have stirred discontent in our midst . . . we can get rid of them! and not until we have done so shall we have removed the menace of Bolshevism for good.”

Based on the excerpt, how did the author view the influence of the “Reds,” or communists, in America?

as a dangerous threat that was undermining American institutions and values


Geohazards engineers design structures and systems to help minimize the impact of ____ hazards

What is natural?

  • Engineers take _____ into consideration during the iterative process (modifying the design at each iteration).

What is feed-back?


The results of each design _____ are evaluated based on how the design addresses the criteria.

What is a test?


Which claims does this map support? 

African American people from Georgia mostly moved to cities on the East Coast of the United States. The Great Migration was a movement of African American people from southern states mostly to northern cities.


What did the author believe was the primary ideal of communism?

robbery and criminal behavior

  • Engineers improve the use of evidence in and the professionalism of their writing when they _____ their written proposals.

What is revise?

  • For _____ designs, engineers complete several iterations, often combining the best parts of previous designs.

What is optimal?


Modifications are made to a design based on evaluated results. Designs are modified in order to be tested again. This is called an _____.

What is an iteration ?


What was a primary reason for the discontent with Czar Nicholas II’s rule in Russia before World War I?

The czar was largely unresponsive to the pleas of peasants and workers facing hunger and poverty.


“America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normality; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality.”

What does Warren G. Harding emphasize as America’s need in his “Return to Normalcy” speech?

America needs healing and a focus on national stability rather than international involvement.

  • Strong proposals are written for a professional audience and use _____ vocabulary words.

What is topic-specific?

  • Engineers consider trade-offs by weighing the impact of each _____ against the others.

What is criterion? 

  • Science knowledge can describe ____ of actions but is not responsible for society’s decisions.

What are consequences?