Early Colonies
American Revolution-Westward Expansion
Civil War-Industrialization
WWI-Civil Rights

This type of freedom is the main reason why individuals left England to settle the American Colonies

What is Religious Freedom


At this meeting, the United States decided on the name of the country and the three branches of the government

What is the Constitutional Convention


The following occurred as a result of_____________________ *job opportunities in cities increased *prices of consumer goods decreased

What is Industrialization


What attack on US soil brought the US into WWII

What is Pearl Harbor


This is when America was "discovered"

What is 1492


These people could not afford passage to the new colonies. They sold their labor to the person who paid their passage to the colony.

What is indentured servant?


America's first attempt at government was "a loose organization of states with a weak central government" known to us as

What is the Articles of Confederation


These amendments focused on African Americans, and were dubbed "The Civil War Amendments"

What are the 13, 14, & 15 Amendments


Which supreme court case in 1896 ruled that "Separate but equal is still equal"?

What is Plessy v. Ferguson


This trail was used by people who were in search of gold in California

What is Oregon Trail


This was the most famous secret society to oppose British policies.

What were the Sons of Liberty


This farmer marched on a Massachusetts court to protest high taxes and hard tiems

Who is Daniel Shays


What type of economy is best described by the following characteristics: *Limited government interference in business *Prices determined by supply and demand *Private owners receive the profits

What is Free-Enterprise (Capitalism)


What was the goal of President Wilson's 14 points?

What is to end the war with peace without victory, and prevent future wars. It called for reducing the world's military forces, instill the right of groups to decide its own form of government and form the League of Nations.


The legislative branch overseeing and voting on appointments to the Supreme Court is an example of this government system

What is checks and balances


This type of company would invest in projects in the colonies to earn profits.

What is a joint-stock company?


This is the country that sold us the Louisiana Territory

What is France


Besides slavery, what other major issue increased tensions between the Union and Confederacy?

What is states' rights


What is it called when you borrow money in order to buy more stock?

What is "buying on margin" or "Doubling Down" or On Margin


Historically speaking (and not YOUR personal opinion), who was the BEST President of the US

Who is Your Mom (gotcha!)


He was the leader of the first successful colony.

Who is John Smith


The Lewis-Clark expediation used this river out of St Louis on their way to the Pacific Ocean

What is the Missouri River


In addition to an abundance of laborers, and the availability of capital, what contributed to the growth of Industrialization in the United States?

What is better transportation (steam engine, expanded railroads, canals, steamboat)


What does the term McCarthyism refer to

What are any accusations without evidence, specifically during the "Red Scare" when people (including Mr. McCarthy) were accusing people to be Communists...this could even include people in the government 


He wrote the first political cartoon called "Join or Die". (snake)

Who is Benjamin Franklin