Heading West
Military Campaigns
Politics and Court Cases
North vs. South
Short Answer

Louisiana Purchase - Who purchased the land from who and how much did they buy each acre for?

Thomas Jefferson purchased the land from Napoleon Bonaparte for 4 cents an acre. $15 million total.


Seminole Wars: Why did they occur and how long did they last for (start to finish).

  1. 1817 - 1858

  2. Jackson invaded Florida under the excuse that the Seminole Indians were harboring slaves

    1. Wanted Florida


Identify Manifest Destiny

God destines Americans to spread: Christianity, capitalism, and progress


Henry Clay and the Missouri Compromise of 1820

  1. The Great Compromiser

  2. Missouri enters as a slave state

  3. Maine (still part of Massachusetts) will enter as a free state


Explain the Indian Removal Act of 1830

  1. Jackson and the states (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi) wanted the Natives land (given to them in previous treaties)

    1. Broke these treaties forcing them into Oklahoma territory


Where did the Mormons settle?

Utah Territory


Transcontinental (Adams-Onis) Treaty?

The US-owned all of Florida if they promised to leave Texas and other Spanish territories alone.


What are the midnight judges?

Congress and Adams passed the Judiciary Act of 1801 which allowed for the immediate appointment of Federalist “midnight judges” ensuring the Federalists would remain in power in one branch of the government.


What is the 36’30 line?

slavery is illegal north of 36°30’ North latitude 


Explain the Trail of Tears

100,000 native americans were forced to travel 1,200 miles to Oklahoma. 15,000 died on the route.


Corps of Discovery - Who was on it and what were they tasked to explore?

William Clark, Meriwether Lewis, and Sacagea were tasked with exploring the Louisiana Territory


What battle affected the Texans' fight for independence from Mexico?

The Battle of the Alamo


Significance of Marbury v. Madison

US Supreme Court can rule on the constitutionality of laws


What came out of the Oregon Treaty of 1846?

The 49th Parallel Line. The present-day boundary between Canada and the US


Describe the painting, American Progress

  1. John Gast in 1872

  2. Represents the idea; Manifest Destiny

  3. Light to Dark - Enlightenment and God’s blessing

  4. New York Skyline and Mississippi River - Beginning of our journeys west.

  5. Bison and Natives are forced out of their lands by people and trains

  6. Columbia - Brings education and technology (progress).


Where was gold discovered in California leading to the Gold Rush in 1849?

Sutter’s Fort along the Sacramento River


Why did the Mexican-American War begin?

  1. Tensions over the US and Mexico border

    1. US - Rio Grande Border

    2. México - Nueces River

  2. American blood was "spilled" on "American soil"


Significance of the Worcester v. Georgia?

  1. laid the foundation for tribal sovereignty 

  2. Jackson ignored the court’s decision


When did the Republic of Texas become a part of the United States of America, why did it take so long to be added in?

  1. 1845

  2. It took nine years because they didn’t want to add another slave state and disrupt the balance of power.


What caused westward migration across the United States?

  1. Louisiana Purchase

  2.  Manifest Destiny

  3.  The Indian Removal Act

  4.  The Oregon Trail and the Santa Fe Trail


What were the gold rushers referred to as?



What is the Bear Flag Revolt?

  1. Start of California’s annex.

  2. 30 Americans took over a military outpost of Sonomy and captured general Mariano Vallijo.


Treaty of Guadaluope Hidalgo or Mexican Cession of 1848

  1. Ended the Mexican-American War.

    1. Mexico ceded California, Utah, Nevada, parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming and made the border the Rio Grande.

  2. Ended the Bear Flag Revolt


What are the Federalists' and Democrats'/Anti-federalists' views on the..

 Constitution, Power in the government, Economy

  1. Federalists: Loose, Strong Federal government, Manufacturing or Industrial

  2. Anti-federalists/Democrats: Strict, Strong Central government


What were the effects of Westward Expansion?

  1. Acquiring new land led to increased regional tensions

    1. North grew industrially

    2. South increased their dependence on agriculture and slavery

  2. Questions remained about how new states would be admitted into the union

    1. Slave or Free?