Emily, Turn The Lights On Please
Good Job!
A Blast From The Past
this is a period in Europe when advancements in education, science, and medicine regressed
What is the Dark Ages?
the pope gave the task of serving as missionaries and converting the pagan people in areas newly conquered by Charlemagne to this group
What is monks?
this was the main topic of discussion at the first Church council
What is whether or not gentiles would be welcomed directly into the faith?
during the Dark Ages monks filled this important role - perhaps they would want my job
What is to educate people?
because of the success of the Holy Roman Empire, Christianity spread to areas of Europe north of this natural feature
What is the Alps Mountains?
stoned by the Jews, he is honored as the first martyr of the Church
Who is Saint Stephen?
during the Dark Ages, monks protected many works of literature from this culture - the Odyssey is one these great works
What is Ancient Greece?
the Holy Roman Empire allowed this social and political structure to take hold in Europe - although not ideal, its structure was an improvement over the chaos of the Dark Ages
What is feudalism?
this is Jesus' directive to the Apostles to "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
What is the Great Commission?
we marked this year as the end of the Dark Ages in Europe
What is 800?
Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose, and others who wrote much of the Church doctrine during the 3rd-8th centuries are respectfully called this title
What is "Fathers of the Church"?
Within 10 years, name the year of the first Church council
What is 51?
this pandemic is often wrongly associated with the Dark Ages in Europe
What is the Black Death / Black Plague? (occurred in the 14th century)
the spread of Christianity throughout nearly all of Europe by the 9th century would not have been possible without the courage of the martyrs of the first three centuries of the faith - a great example is this patron saint of athletes, who survived being shot by arrows and was later martyred by being beaten with clubs
Who is Saint Sebastian?
Say not, "I am too young." To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. - God spoke these words to _____, the Old Testament prophet. This scripture passage is from the biblical book that bears his name.
Who is Jeremiah?