Writing Process
Figurative Language
Paragraph structure

In this part of the writing process, you change what your writing SOUNDS like.

A. editing                                             B. revising

C. publishing                                        D. prewriting


                        B. What is revising?


The students were as busy as bees as they worked to finish their final project for the school year. _______________

What is simile?


This word describes a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound in a poem -the “beat.” __________________

What is rhythm?


In most cases, _______refers to a location, ________ refers to vision, and ______ is something you put in a report.

             sight         cite         site

What is cite, sight, and site?


Paragraphs have (?) main parts when it comes to structure.

A. 3                   B. 2

C. 1                   D. 4

A. What is 3?


In this step of the writing process, you are organizing your thoughts into complete sentences, but are not yet worried about spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or word choice.

    A. revising                                         B. drafting

     C. publishing                                      D. editing

                 B. What is drafting?


The heater yelled as it came on for the first time for the winter. _________________

What is personification?


The message of a poem is called a ____________________.

What is theme?


_________ means maximum height, ________ refers to looking, and _________gets your interest.


                   peek     peak     pique

What are peak, peek, and pique?


Which type of paragraph would this topic sentence best go with: My best friend’s freckled face always has a glowing, crooked smile.

A. narrative                                    B. expository

C. persuasive                                     D. descriptive

  D. What is descriptive?


The part of the writing process in which you correct your spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

          A. editing                                    B. revising

         C. drafting                                   D. prewriting

            A. What is editing?


A well-known phrase that means something different than what it actually says._____________

What is idiom?


Poetry uses ____________devices like rhythm and rhyme.

What is sound?


_______ refers to the past; _______ is the contraction of “you” and “are”; and ______is the possessive of you.

                     you’re        yore       you 

What is yore, you're, and your?


Which type of paragraph would this topic sentence best go with: The Himalayan Mountains are the tallest mountains in the world.

A. expository                                    B. descriptive

C. persuasive                                    D. narrative

A. What is expository?


. I will use a computer or my neatest, best penmanship during this stage of the writing process.

     A. revising, revising                     C. prewriting            B. final copy                                D. editing                                       

                  B. what is final copy?


The walker was a turtle when she made her way through the race. _________________

What is metaphor?


The narrator of a poem is called a _________________.

What is a speaker?

_________means to rile up, while ________refers to the ability to see the inner nature of someone or something.

                          insight    incite

What is incite and insight?


The goal of this type of paragraph is to convince another person to change, or at least think about changing, their opinion about something.

A. persuasive                               B. descriptive

C. narrative                                  D. expository

A. What is persuasive?


In this step of the writing process, you are writing down all of your ideas and often using a graphic organizer.

         A. revising                             B. publishing

        C. prewriting                           D. editing

                    C. What is prewriting?


Maggie makes Max match many marbles. _________________

What is alliteration?


What structure is poetry written in? ___________________

What are lines and stanzas?


________ refers to an opening in something, and ______ means complete.

              whole          hole

What is hole and whole?


This paragraph is used to tell a story. There is a logical sequence of events.

A. narrative                                        B. expository

C. persuasive                                       D. descriptive

A. What is a narrative?