Test Practice - organisms
Test practice - chemistry
Test practice - cells organelles 1
Test practice - cells organelles 2
Test practice - cells

Which of these ARE NOT characteristics shared by living organisms?

A. have the ability to move

B. need energy to maintain life

C. have the ability to adapt and evolve

D. are heterotrophs

E. must reproduce sexually

What is 

A, D, E?


Show picture 1

This photo shows an example of a _____.

A. carbohydrate

B. lipid

C. protein

C. nucleic acid

What is

A. carbohydrate?


This organelle is the site of protein synthesis.

What is a ribosome?


This organelle is the reason why plants are green. It recycles CO2 to make glucose for plant cells via the process of photosynthesis. It is found in plant cells.

What is a chloroplast?


The three tenants of the cell theory are

What is

Cells are the most basic units of life

All living organisms are made up of cells

All cells come from preexisting cells?


Which of these ARE characteristics shared by living organisms?

A. the ability to adapt to changes in their environment

B. are made of one or more cells

C. reproduce only with the help of a host

D. exist without using energy

E. move freely throughout the environment

What is

A, B?


How does an enzyme speed up a chemical reaction?

What is by lowering activation energy?


This organelle is the brain of the cell and holds the DNA of a cell?

What is the nucleus?


This organelle is known as the "powerhouse" because it produces ATP for the cell by breaking down glucose into CO2 and water. It is found in plant and animal cells.

What is the mitochondria?


Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic: This type of cell is simpler, smaller, and does not have membrane-bound organelles (such as mitochondria or nucleus).

What is a prokaryotic cell?


Fill in the blank: Viruses need ________ to be able to reproduce because they cannot reproduce alone.

What is a host?


Nucleic acids are made up of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus. Which two of these elements distinguish them from other macromolecules?

What is Nitrogen and Phosphorus?


This organelle is amazon of the cell. It has folded membranes to package and ship materials.

What is the Golgi body/apparatus?


This organelle is the jelly that holds everything together in a cell.

What is the cytoplasm?


Are bacteria cells, plant cells, or animal cells considered prokaryotic cells?

What is bacteria cells are considered prokaryotic cells?


Put these levels of organization in order from smallest (increase in number) to biggest (increase in specialization).

Organ, organelle, organ system, cell, tissue

What is organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system?


Which of the following organic molecules is correctly matched with its function? 

A. Nucleic acids provide structure for cell organelles.

B. Lipids are a primary component of cell membranes.

C. Proteins are the primary energy source during metabolism.

D. Carbohydrates help store and transmit genetic information.

What is

B. Lipids are a primary component of cell membranes?


This organelle is responsible for moving substances in and out of the cell to maintain homeostasis. It is semi-permeable, meaning it only lets some things in.

What is a cell membrane?


This type of Endoplasmic Reticulum does not have ribosomes and responsible for the synthesis of lipids, vitamins, and other materials vital for the cell.

What is the smooth ER?


Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic: This type of cell is more complex, larger, and has membrane-bound organelles (such as nucleus or mitochondria).

What is a eukaryotic cell?


One key fact about viruses is that they must have a living cell in order to survive and _________.

What is reproduce?


Show picture 2

Which macromolecule (carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) is shown in this picture?

What is a lipid?


This organelle has spindle fibers that grab chromosomes at the centromere and put them in their spot during mitosis.

What is a centriole?


This organelle contains digestive enzymes to break down worn-out cell parts.

What is a lysosome?


Are bacteria cells, plant cells, or animal cells considered eukaryotic cells?

What is plant cells and animal cells are considered eukaryotic cells?