Take your chances
How was Korea divided after WWII?
Northern Korea was communist; Southern Korea was free.
Why do people in the Sahel and Sahara move from place to place frequently?
They are looking for water and places for their animals to graze.
What are capital goods?
Machines and tools used in the production of other goods.
What is the holy document of the Muslims?
The Quran
How can a country improve its GDP?
Increase your capitals! Human capital and capital resources must be improved and entrepreneurship encouraged.
Who helped rebuild Japan after WWII?
United States
What is the biggest threat to the African rainforest?
What influences the GDP in South Africa and Nigeria?
In South Africa, the GDP is driven by an investment in human capital, capital resources and natural resources in the mining industry. In Nigeria, the heavy focus on oil and corrupt government means they have a lower GDP.
Describe the religion of the Ashanti.
The Ashanti believe very fervently in the power of the Golden Stool. As long as the stool is protected and safe, then the power of their tribe is intact. They also believe in ancestor worship.
What was Gandhi's plan for civil disobedience?
Gandhi advocated peaceful nonviolence when unfair British laws.
How are leaders in South Africa and Kenya chosen?
In South Africa, leaders are chosen through the parliamentary system. This means the citizens vote directly for the National Assembly but then the National Assembly chooses the President. In Kenya, the citizens choose the president through popular vote, just like in the United States.
How did Japan's government change after WWII? Give two ways.
IT became a constitutional monarchy and could not ever declare war on another country.
What is the difference between ethnicity and religion?
Ethnic groups are a community of people with the same culture or background. Religious groups share the same spiritual beliefs.
How has the Aswan Dam negatively affected people and farmers living along the Nile.
The Nile no longer overflows leaving its rich sediment/silt that is good for farming. This means farmers have to use fertilizer, which in turn creates a pollution problem.
What kind of society did Mao Zedong seek to create for China?
A classless society focused on collectives of farmers and factory workers.
Why has AIDS and famine spread across Africa?
African governments don't have the monetary resources (money!) to provide expensive drugs to fight AIDS. The governments can be corrupt too. Famine is difficult to fight because of the drastic climate changes, including droughts. Corrupt governments also contribute to problem during famines.
What is nationalism?
Feelings of extreme loyalty to one's own country.
You are attending school in Africa and happen to be a girl, describe your course of study.
You are learning to read and write at school so you can learn the Quran.
Describe the 3 different trade barriers.
Tariffs-taxes; Embargos-refusal to trade with a country; Quota-a way to limit the trade.
Why did the United States get involved with Vietnam?
They were afraid of communism spreading (the Domino Effect.)
What does AVT stand for and what is it?
An AVT is an ANTIRETROVIRAL drug used to combat AIDS. They are drugs used to combat the AIDS virus that are very pricey.
Tell how power is divided in the following systems: unitary, federal, and confederation.
Unitary systems-the central government has the power; Federal system--the central government and the regional (state) governments share power. Confederation--the power rests with the regional governments.
What is a dowry and is it a religious or ethnic practice?
In Africa, a dowry is the price a groom's family pays to the brides family. Also called a "brideprice." It is an ethnic practice, not a religious one.
How was Korea divided after WWII? You must be very specific as to who had control.
The Soviets had control of the north and the US had control over the south.