Pitcher plants
What are the pitchers Plant's colors?
Orange, Pink, or Red
What does Elvis not wanna be anymore?
A. A dog
B. A bunny
C. A cat.
Its bright colors
The smell
Slippery Inside.
Why is Elvis different from other dogs?
A. He doesn't cause the mailmen
B. He likes chasing cats
True or False. Is it true Pitcher Plants only eat bugs?
What does Elvis not wanna eat?
A. Chicken
B. Meatloaf
C. Tibs
What happens when bugs sit on this plant?
They fall in.
Why does Elvis talk to Maxwell?
A. To talk about not being a dog anymore.
B. He doesn't want to chase the mailmen
C. He wants to run around with him
What happens after they fall in?
It breaks up
What is Maxwell Advice to Elvis?
A. Do what you wanna work.
B. Do what makes you happy.
C. Pursue in life.