What fruit do people "bob" for on Halloween?
What are apples.
These are things you put on a Christmas tree for decorations.
What Halloween monster is wrapped in bandages?
What is a mummy.
What day of the week is Easter celebrated on?
What is Sunday.
True or false, Can Turkeys fly?
What is true.
What do people say when they go door to door on Halloween?
What is trick or treat.
According to this song, this type of nut is roasted over an open fire..
What is chestnuts.
What creature has fangs and sleep in a coffin?
What is a vampire.
What do you call a baby chicken?
What is a chick.
What is the second most consumed food on Thanksgiving?
What is mashed potatoes.
On what date is Halloween celebrated on?
What is October 31st.
This is the color of Santa's boots.
What is black
What is the name of the reindeer with the shiny red nose?
What is Rudolph.
Where do you put your Easter eggs?
What season is Thanksgiving in?
What is fall.
What two colors are popular with Halloween?
What is orange and black.
This comes in a pear tree on the 1st day of Christmas.
What is a partridge.
What is the name of the green guy who does not like Christmas?
What is The Grinch.
What do you dye, paint, and decorate on Easter?
What are eggs.
What is the day after Thanksgiving called?
What is Black Friday.
What is the name of the friendly ghost?
What is Casper.
Santa Claus drives this to deliver gifts to the kids on Christmas eve.
What is a sleigh
This animal is said to deliver Easter baskets to kids.
What is the Easter Bunny.
In what season is Easter in?
What is spring.
What part of the turkey is broken for good luck?
What is a wishbone.