90's Sitcoms
90's Era
90's Fashion
90's Icons
90's Toys

His lifestyle often clashes with that of his upper-class relatives

What is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


These were considered perfectly acceptable meals. Many of the variations have been discontinued. Being a ’90s kid often meant looking forward to lunchtime, where the classic yellow box awaited you

What are lunchables


Keep out the breeze, bring on the self-expression. Zip up and pull-overs. There will never be a generation that fought harder against this force of nature

What is a wind breaker suit


This iconic beauty was one of six elite models of the era dubbed "supermodels" by the fashion industry

Who is Naomi Campbell 


These toys are not just considered toys, but collectables and can sell for thousands

What are Beanie Babies


Ranked # 5 on Empire magazine's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time

What is Friends


In 1994, 61 million people were sporting these

What are pagers


These were an easy low maintenance look. Initially a workwear staple among men as a versatile and comfortable garment

What are overalls


This icon is still regarded as a music and fashion icon thanks to their progressive, angst ridden lyrics and grunge uniform that seemed to whisper: "I'm cool because I don't try"  

Who is Kurt Cobain


From 1998, this electronic robotic owl like creature sold over 40 million during the three years of its original production

What is a Furby


Is the first of six television series in this franchise. Gained popularity in the summer of 1991. Originally aired October 4, 1990

What is Beverly Hills, 90210 


This notorious "bubble" was a period from about 1995 to about 2001 during which internet-related tech companies attracted a massive amount of attention from venture capitalists and traditional investors alike. 

What is the "dot-com" bubble


Introduced in the United States in the late 19th century, it has been a popular type of casual apparel with both men and women. if you really want to elevate your '90s fashion game, we recommend this outerwear

What is a jean jacket


This powerhouse couple, when together, enhanced their star power. And yet! The marriage was over by the end of the decade.

Who is Bruce Willis and Demi Moore


In 1995 Pixar films raked in an astounding $373 million worldwide and created this popular toy

Who is BuzzLight Year


Set in the fictional town of Springfield, it caricatures society, Western culture, television, and the human condition.

What is The Simpsons


This "Iron Curtain" was lifted in late 1991. This was a common victory for all Peoples

What is the end of the Cold War


These shoes became popular again in the '90s grunge community.

What are Doc Martens


This 90's icon studied acting, poetry, jazz, and ballet in tenth grade

Who is Tupac

***BONUS***What is their given birth name? 


She was the essential accessory for any 10-year-old girl in the 90s

What is Polly Pocket


One of the greatest sitcoms of all time, a show that has become a cultural touchstone in its own right

***Daily Double***

What is Cheers


It only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993. The dramatic expansion of the capacity of "this", enabled by the rollout of fiber optic cables in the mid-1990s, had a revolutionary impact on culture, commerce, and technology.

What is the internet


These clothing types were also a name of a popular 90's band. 

What are Cardigans


This extraordinary, most sought after actress modeled some of the most memorable Giorgio Armani red-carpet looks of all time

Who is Julia Roberts


These toys consisted of the original 5 characters, but a total of 12 action figures were released which included the 7 villains. 

What are Might Morphine Power Rangers