Cara has a birthd__ in mid-July.
I will volunt__r on the day of the race.
The kids were sad because their mom said it was bedt_m_.
The kids went on tipt__ into the kitchen to get a snack.
Cross the wide aven__ at Tenth Street.
Ted will compl__n about the r__n, but I am glad since it will help the garden.
ai, ai
Dad likes to get toff__ fudge at the cand__ shop.
ee, y
Whenever there is sunsh_n_, Jill sm_l_s.
i-e, i-e
That is a t__d cr__king in the grass.
oa, oa
S__ will visit the baby on T__sday.
ue, ue
We must send this p__ment by Thursd__ so it will not be l_t_.
ay, ay, a-e
My baseball jers__ has the number fift__n.
ey, ee
You should be s__lent in the l__brary.
i, i
Jake gr__ned when his mom w_k_ him in the morning.
oa, o-e
Did you get into an arg__ment when she broke the bl__ fl_t_?
ue, ue, u-e
G__l used plants that are n__tive to this part of the world.
ai, a
Bradl__ will get a jers__ for the hock__ club.
ey, ey, ey
The Yankees are the r__val of the Red Sox.
Dad went to the department st_r_ to get charc__l for the grill.
o-e, oa
After I looked at the men__, I ref_s_d to go to dinner at the restaurant.
u, u-e
J__ w_v_s to the str__ cat.
ay, a-e, ay
The bank pr__dicts that it will take thirt__n days for th_s_ checks to d__posit.
e, ee, e-e, e
Go ins_d_ and finish the inv_t_es.
i-e, i-e
We will go h_m_e the m__ment we l__cate the map.
o-e, o, o
It is h__man to be a little cl__less.
u, ue