Vladek ate/drank ________________ on the cattle care to Dachau to survive.
When Francoise picked up a black hitchhiker, Vladek was angry because ___________.
He was racist
What disease do most of the camp prisoners have?
True or false: Vladek purposefully cut his hand to go to the infirmary at Dachau to get better treatment.
While in Dachau, Vladek had to prove he did not have _______ in his shirt.
Even though the war is over THIS keeps happening…
Jewish people are still be stopped and trapped by Nazis
Why didn’t the Jewish people often rebel against the Nazis in concentration camps?
Because the Nazis threatened to punish people by killing the rebel but also their family/friends
Why does Mala take Vladek back?
Vladek convinces Mala to come back because she feels guilty over how sick he is
Vladek is supposed to go on a march at the beginning of chapter 3. What was his original plan to avoid it?
He would gather civilian clothes and hide in an attic
How many Jewish people lived in Europe during 1933 (before the war) and how many lived in Europe after the war (1950)?
9.5 million to 3.5 million