What needs to be capitalized in: my friend jack lives in new york?
Should “president” always be capitalized?
Only when used as a title before a name (e.g., President Lincoln)
What needs to be capitalized: i went to paris, france last summer.
I, Paris, France
What’s wrong with this sentence: I love thanksgiving and new years day!
"New Years Day" should be "New Year's Day".
Should "I" always be capitalized?
Yes, “I” is always capitalized in English.
Which of these is incorrect? a) London, b) apple Inc., c) Toyota
Correct this: dr. martin luther king jr. day
Which is correct: the grand canyon or the Grand Canyon?
The Grand Canyon
Is “Monday” capitalized?
What’s the rule for capitalizing the first word in a quote?
Capitalize the first word if it's a complete sentence.
Do you capitalize seasons like winter and summer?
What’s the capitalization rule for book titles?
Should “century” be capitalized in 20th century?
No, unless it’s part of a proper name (e.g., "20th Century Fox").
Fix this: she said, "this is amazing!"
What’s the capitalization rule for family relationships (e.g., mom, dad)?
Should "uncle" be capitalized in I visited my uncle Tom?
Do you capitalize "state" in the state of California?
No, unless referring to “State of California” in an official way.
Fix this: i was born on july 4th.
Should you capitalize the first word after a colon?
Only if it's a full sentence (e.g., "I have one goal: To succeed.").
Fix the capitalization: harry potter and the goblet of fire was written by j.k. rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was written by J.K. Rowling.
Which is correct: the New York times or The New York Times?
Correct this: the eiffel tower is in france.
The Eiffel Tower is in France.
What needs fixing: my favorite holiday is christmas eve.
Identify the mistake: in the beginning, he said, "it was a great day."