12 letter words
Friday the 13th
Words that start with a L
Animal phases and expressions

This is a type of community within a larger city, town or suburb, sometimes consisting of a single street and the buildings lining it. They are often social communities with interaction among the people who live within it. 



At the time of the attacks in 2001, the president was in Florida because of security concerns. By 9pm, he returned to the oval office and addressed the nation. Who was this president? 

George W. Bush 


This day inspired one of the highest-grossing film series that includes 12 horror movies, a television series and several books that focus on curses and superstitions. It introduced us to one of the most known fictional characters and images in popular culture. Who am I? 

Jason- the mask 


This consists of bags or suitcases which hold a traveler's personal items while they travel. 




This means to accomplish more than one thing with a single action. Example: dropping off mail on the way to the grocery store. 

Kill two birds with one stone 


This is a professional who practices and studies mental states, emotional processes and cognitive behavior. They typically use evaluations and talk therapy to help people learn to cope with life and other issues. 



A group of Islamic extremists and terrorists are responsible for the hijacking of the planes that led to the attacks. What was the name of this group led by Osama Bin Laden? 

AL Queda 


According to National Geographic, more than 80 percent of high-rise buildings avoid having a 13 anywhere near its construction. What are the two most common buildings in the world that don't believe in having a 13th anything? 

Hospitals and Hotels 

Airports (gate 13) 


This is a commissioned officer rank in the armed forces of many nations. This is the individual that provides leadership, management and direction to different units and ensures that the law is upheld. 




This means you are very nervous or excited about something. Example: If someone is about to give a big speech or if someone admits the true love to another individual. 

Butterflies in your stomach 


This is an instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces tilted to each other at an angle, so that one or more objects on one end of these mirrors are shown. The tube with reflecting surfaces consists of colored pieces of glass. 



As minions watched the events unfolding in NY, American Airlines Flight 77 circled in the air before crashing into the west side of this building, later confirmed being where the US department of defense is located. What is the name of this building?



It was on October 13th, 1989, that the US stock exchange suffered one of its most major crashes. The day has since then gone down in history as this, something we also call the day after Thanksgiving.

Black Friday 


This is a type of structure building that contains a powerful flashing lamp that is build on a coast or small island. They can be used to guide ships or to warn them of danger. 




This means to deal with a difficult situation in a very direct or confident way. Example: The topic might be hard to talk about but you do it anyway. 

Take the bull by the horns 


About 1 percent of the world's population are considered this, meaning they have no dominant hand. He or she are able to use the right and left hands equally well. 



There was three east coast airports that allowed these terrorists to smuggle knifes through security that began the day as they were suppose to be bound for California. What cities did these plans leave from? 

Boston, Washington DC, Newark 


They say the myth of Friday the 13th has religious background and stems from the Biblical Last Supper, in which there was 13 guests around the table, but the unlucky 13th guest was the one who betrays Jesus. Who was this? 



This is an object or feature in a town that is easily seen or recognized from a distance. It can be a historic event or change marking an important stage. Usually when seeing other places away from home, these are buildings you would want to visit. 




This means you want to hear what will be said or see what will happen while not being noticed. Example: those meetings are private but you're just there in the background 

Fly on the Wall 


This is the place or building that serves as the managerial and administrative center of an organization. It denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions are coordinated. It can also mean an area occupied by a military commander and its staff. 



In the wake of security fears raised by 9/11 and the mailing of letters containing anthrax, the act of 2002 was created and signed into law by the president. This cabinet created was now responsible for preventing terror attacks, border security, immigrations and customs. What department was created? 

Department of Homeland Security 


Since 1995, this European country has dedicated one Friday the 13th in a year as National Accident Day. The day aims to raise awareness about safety everywhere you go. It's capital, Helsinki, is known for its design and architecture. It's also considered the happiest country in the world. 



This is a type of disease that affects the body's germ-fighting and disease-fighting immune system. It begins when heathy cells change and grow out of control. You may get painless swellings in your neck or other parts of your body. 



This means something will be done quickly or in a very short amount of time. Example: if you ask someone to hurry up, you can say this, meaning they will be there as fast as they can. 

In two shakes of a lamb tail