General Knowledge
Pop Culture

Known for its golden colour and retrieving hunted animals. 

What are Golden Retrievers?


This actor gained worldwide fame for her role as Eleven in the Netflix series Stranger Things.

Who is Millie Bobby Brown?


This founder of Microsoft is one of the wealthiest people in the world and co-founded the company with Paul Allen in 1975.

Who is Bill Gates


This game, developed by Epic Games, took the world by storm with its battle royale mode and colourful, building-centric gameplay.

What is Fortnite?


This war, fought from 1914 to 1918, was known as "The Great War" and involved most of the world’s major powers, eventually leading to the Treaty of Versailles.

What is World War I

Known as the City of Churches.

What is Adelaide?


This fruit, often mistaken for a vegetable, is the main ingredient in guacamole.

What is an avocado?


Known for being the second man to step on the moon.

Who is Buzz Aldrin?


This Portuguese forward is one of the most successful soccer players of all time, having won multiple Ballon d'Or awards and played for clubs like Manchester United, Real Madrid, and Juventus.

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?


A dog breed known for their oversized heads that make their eyes bulge. 

What is a pug?


This young environmental activist gained international attention for her school strike for climate action, leading global protests.

Who is Greta Thunberg?


This month is named after the famous Roman Julius Caesar. 

What is July? 


This 1997 film, directed by James Cameron, became the highest-grossing film of its time and tells the story of a ship's ill-fated maiden voyage.

What is Titanic?


This empire, once the largest in history, was said to be so vast that "the sun never sets" on its territories, reaching its peak in the 19th century.

What is the British Empire?


This capital city, located on the Danube River, is actually a merger of two cities, Buda and Pest, and is the largest city in Hungary.

What is Budapest?


This spice, used in both sweet and savory dishes, is often sprinkled on toast with sugar.

What is cinnamon?


A private space company known for its reusable rockets and mission to get to Mars.

What is SpaceX?


This NBA player, often considered the greatest of all time, won six championships with the Chicago Bulls and was known for his clutch performances and iconic "Air" nickname.

Who is Michael Jordan?


Known for being one of the only mammals to lay an egg and be amphibious. 

What is a Platypus?


This Actor is known for playing roles such as John Nolan in the Rookie, and Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly.

Who is Nathan Fillion 


This country’s flag is unique for being the only one in the world that is not rectangular or square.

What is Nepal?


This artist, known for blending hip-hop, pop, and R&B, released the critically acclaimed album Blonde and is famous for the song "Thinkin Bout You."

Who is Frank Ocean?


This revolution, which began in 1789, led to the overthrow of the monarchy, the Reign of Terror, and eventually the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

What is the French Revolution?


This country, located in the Southern Hemisphere, is divided into 26 cantons and is known for its neutrality and high-quality chocolate and watches.

What is Switzerland?


This dish is known as Frites in Flemish, but is now commonly associated with fast food and the United States.

What are Fries?


First launched in 1981, this partially reusable space launch system was the mainstream of NASA missions until 2011. 

What is the Space Shuttle?


This Swiss tennis player has won 20 Grand Slam singles titles and is known for his graceful playing style and rivalry with Rafael Nadal.

Who is Roger Federer?


A mammal known for being unable to move backwards and being on a coat of arms.

What is a Kangaroo?


A British action star known for his high octane movies such as The Transporter, The Italian Job, Hobbs and Shaw and the Expendables series.

Who is Jason Statham?


This is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature and is often used in thermometers. 

What is Mercury


This British band, formed in the 1960s, is known for hits like "Hey Jude" and "Let It Be" and is often regarded as one of the most influential bands of all time.

Who are the Beatles?


Known for leading 300 Spartans against an invading Persian army, this man was the King of Sparta and was played by Gerald Butler in the movie '300'. 

Who is King Leonidas?


Known for being the longest land border in the world, between two countries. 

What is the Canada-USA border?


This type of cheese, made from sheep’s milk and aged for at least 3 months, originates from the Greek island of Crete.

What is Feta?


Launched into Earth Orbit in 1990, this telescope has provided hundreds of images of our universe.

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?


This quarterback, considered one of the greatest in NFL history, has won seven Super Bowls, the most by any player, during his time with the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Who is Tom Brady?


Known for being the largest natural feline in the world. 

What is a Tiger?


This Swedish YouTuber became the first individual content creator to reach 100 million subscribers, known for his "Let's Play" videos and meme reviews.

Who is PewDiePie?


The tallest building in the world, standing over 828 meters high, is located in Dubai and is named after a ruler of the UAE.

What is the Burj Khalifa?


This streetwear brand, known for its iconic red box logo, has collaborated with brands like Louis Vuitton and Nike, and is highly coveted by sneakerheads.

What is Supreme?


A system of government where a Monarch rules over lords, who in turn rule over peasants. 

What is Feudalism? 


This mountain, the tallest in Africa, is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania and is often climbed by adventurers seeking its snow-capped peak.

What is Mount Kilimanjaro?


This expensive spice, derived from the flower of the Crocus sativus, is used to add a rich yellow color to dishes like paella.

What is Saffron?


Known for being the first man in space.

Who is Yuri Gagarin?


This British Formula 1 driver, known for his dominance with Mercedes, has won seven World Drivers' Championship titles, tying the all-time record.

Who is Lewis Hamilton?


A land based animal known for having the longest lifespan. 

What are Giant Tortoises?


This actor, who portrayed Freddie Mercury in the biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, also starred in the acclaimed TV show Mr. Robot and the Night at the Museum movie series. 

Who is Rami Malek?


This British author created the character of Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective known for his sharp intellect and use of deductive reasoning.

Who is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?


This pop star and fashion icon, known for her bold style, launched her own cosmetics line, Fenty Beauty, in 2017.

Who is Rihanna?


This Middle Eastern city is important to three major world religions and has been attacked more times in history than any other. 

What is Jerusalem 


Opened in 1869, this canal helps ships bypass the treacherous waters of the Cape of Good Hope and cuts travel time down by weeks. 

What is the Suez Canal?


Known as the King of Fruits in South East Asia, this fruit has been banned on public transport and in apartments due to it's pungent smell.

What is Durian?


Which Apollo mission was unsuccessful in landing on the moon, and had a follow-up movie staring Tom Hanks. 

What is Apollo 13?


This Canadian-American is credited as having invented the modern sport of Basketball in 1891. 

Who is James Naismith?