Fad foods of the 1970s
Food origins by country
Governmental influence in foods
Medieval Foods In 2024
Early American Cooking

This famous dish evolved as a response to increasing beef prices and the difficulty families faced trying to make a pound of beef a cheap meal. When it premiered, there were only five flavors — Beef Noodle, Potato Stroganoff, Hash, Rice Oriental, and Chili Tomato. Within its first year on the market, over one-quarter of U.S. families served it regularly.

Hamburger Helper


Samosa: a popular appetizer in Indian cuisine that features golden-fried pastry stuffed with savory fillings.

Central Asia


Famously used by celebrities such as Beyoncé, Pink and Ashton Kutcher, this is a liquid fasting diet made with a concoction of lemonade, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The diet should not last any longer than 10 days, which is shocking to think of those who can make it past two days.

Master Cleanse


This drink discovered in Ethiopia in 575 was discovered by a goat herder after seeing how his goats responded to the beans from which this drink is brewed.



Offering a large amount of meat, this mammal was once abundant in the American West and was hunted to near extinction.

American Buffalo


Also known as salad eggs, eggs mimosa, and dressed eggs, _____________ eggs have been a popular appetizer for serving at a gathering since ancient Rome. The term came to mean to "spice something up"

Deviled eggs


French fries- where did they originate?



One of the most dangerous diets for your body, and should never be tired: it involves consuming a pill that grows a tapeworm inside your stomach. The parasite then supposedly consumes on the food in which you digest. Not only does the tapeworm consume the food that you have ingested, it will also feed on the nutrients that your body needs. Another frightful fact is the tapeworm can move to anywhere in your body, including your brain. It is now banned by the EPA.

Tapeworm Diet


This German meat dates back to the 1400's is made with pork and seasonings and stuffed into a casing made from pig intestine.



Perhaps the most famous meal in the beginning of America was a post harvest festival featuring many Indians and Pilgrims.



This appetizer became one of the signature party dishes of the 1970s, and common at Christmas, New Year's, and Super Bowl parties. Mainly made out of dairy-based ingredients and goes great on crackers! (2 words) Also can be used as a slang term for someone who's overly corny. 

Cheese Ball


Hamburgers are synonyms for American fast food; they metaphorically mean McDonald’s and Burger King. Thus, it’s hard to think of it as the food of any other country. But, we have been fooled again, for hamburgers came to life in______________.



The diet included consuming a jar of baby food for two or three meals a day. The diet restricts your body of calories, but also the necessary adult nutrition.

Baby food diet


Once called loseyns, this layered pasta dish has Italian descent.



The taxes on this drink lead to the beginning of the Revolutionary War



This multi-layered chocolate sponge cake with cherries, whipped cream, and a chocolate shaving topping originated in the Black Forest region of Germany in the 16th century.

Black Forest Cake


Cheesecake is deemed one of the most popular foods in NYC, then spread worldwide. However, ____________ happens to be the first home of this sweet intricacy, which can be pretty odd.



On this diet all you can eat is fruit, all day, every day. Some people choosing this diet have ventured out slightly to nuts and seeds, but all dieters have to stick to consuming fruit for every meal.

Fruitarian Diet


This sweet biscuit was perfected in France after being brought by an Armenian Monk in 992. Today its most popular use may be in using it to build decorative homes around Christmas.



To preserve meats and foods, settlers would apply this ingredient to their meat



This grape-flavored oat cereal with marshmallows called starbits had an overwhelmingly fake grape odor and an even more offensive grape flavor that many children associated with cough medicine. Only lasted one year!

Sir Grapefellow


Coffee is an aromatic beverage that is widely enjoyed around the world. It’s one of the most popular foods that today’s world excessively consumes. The very first people to ever cultivate these beans were from _____________.



This diet was most commonly used during the 1950s. The diet was first suggested by British physician, Albert T. W. Simeons, who recommended sticking to just 500 calories a day and receiving daily supplements of the hormone human choriogonadotropin. The hormone can be injected directly into your bloodstream, rubbed into skin as a cream format, or you can ingest the hormone.

HCG Diet


Similar to a current type of soup, this is one of the oldest ways to eat meats, vegetables, potatoes in 1 dish with a sauce or gravy, Today it is often found served in a can.



Once referred to as gypsy ovens, these were often made of cast iron and used to cook foods over a fire for long period of times. 

Dutch Oven