Sugar, Jameson, and cream are found in this coffee
What is an Irish Coffee
Which scientist is famous for the equation E=MC2?
Who is Albert Einstein
Plop plop, fizz fiz
What is Alka-Seltzer
If you are traveling to the Fjords where are you?
What is Norway
This mascot thinks his cereal is "Gr-r-reat"
Tony the Tiger
What popular caffeinated beverage is the Italian word for coffee with milk?
What is a Latte
At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
What is -40 degrees
ba da ba pa da - I'm lovin it
Who is McDonald's
If I am wearing a Kilt - where am I?
What is Scotland
This adorable girl is well-known for her sweet treats
Who is Little Debbie
What is the more common two-word name for the coffee brewing device sometimes known as a "plunger pot"?
What is a French Press
What is the largest mammal in the world?
What is a Blue whale
Good to the last drop
What is the smallest country in the world?
What is Vatican City
What character is the Mascot for Nintendo?
Who is Mario
Famous for its beignets and coffee-and-chicory roast, Cafe du Monde, what city am I located in?
What is New Orleans
What’s the name of the phenomenon where light changes direction when it passes from one medium to another?
What is Refraction
Think outside the bun
What is Taco bell
If we visited the Parthenon - where are we?
Athens Rome
Who is the spokesman for Dos Equis
The Most Interesting Man in the World
The first Starbucks can be found at what famous and alliterative Seattle, Washington marketplace?
What is Pike Place Market
How many taste buds does the average human tongue have?
Around 10,000
There are some things in life money can't buy. For everything else, there's ______
We are in the Amazon Rainforest - where are we?
What is Brazil
This Allstate character is typically involved in anything that can go wrong in life
Who is Mayhem