September Birthdays
4 letter words
Words that start with a R
Food that starts with a R
Fall activities

Born on September 9th, this actor and comedian is known for his versatility and unique brand of humor. A career over three decades, he started his career on SNL before transitioning to Hollywood. His 1995 film (Billy Madison) where he played the lead role of a man repeating grades 1-12 to inherit his father's empire, was his first big role.

Adam Sandler 


This is a smaller type of restaurant that focuses on selling light snacks and drinks, such as coffee, tea, sandwiches and pastries. It's a more casual environment than a sit-down restaurant. 



This natural light phenomenon appears in the sky, typically created when sunlight shines through the water, splitting into different colors. 



These small fruits are part of the rose family and are extremely versatile fruits. They are known for being antioxidants with many health benefits. They are mostly known for being red in color, but can also be purple, gold or black. 



The season for this activity typically begins in September to late October. They say the ones on the outside and lower branches get ripe the fastest. Just don't forget about the donuts and pie too. 

Apple Picking 


Born on September 4th, this iconic singer, songwriter and actress has made her mark in the global music industry. She originally began her career in the late 1990s alongside her two school friends. Eventually going solo, she became the all-time record holder for most Grammy Awards won by a female artist in a single night, back in 2010. 



This is a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face. It is commonly worn at weddings or fancy events or out of religious obligation. 



This is what you call an individual with whom one shares a living space such as a dorm, suite, or apartment. 



This chocolate-based dessert features chopped almonds and marshmallow pieces that was first created in 1929 during the Great Depression. It started a new revolution in the ice cream world, as it one of the first flavors to be offered other than vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. 

Rocky Road Ice Cream 


Before the activity begins, you must select the right one, which is smooth, even skin, and sturdy stem. This is more of a Halloween tradition that originated 100 years ago in Ireland. Individuals commonly like to make faces out of these and leave it as decoration. 

Carve Pumpkins 


Born on September 1st, this actress is has quickly become a household name with her style and grace. From her early days on Disney to big time films, her journey is quite the inspiration. Even before Hollywood, she had a career as a fashion model and currently has a big passion for philanthropy.



This is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imaginary. It is a natural human emotion alerted by the threat of harm. 



This is a type of medical specialty that uses medical imaging to diagnose diseases and guide their treatment within the bodies of humans. If you were scheduled to get an X-ray or ultrasound, you would go here. 



Mostly known as a condiment, this is a cooked and pickled dish made of chopped vegetables. With its chunky texture, it provides something different as a topping. In the US 



These activities can vary in intensity and usually bring a scare factor. Some are family-friendly while others can be designed to be more intense. Usually seen as a group activity, it can involve some walking. Just be careful, modern ones tend to be more interactive and could involve physical contact. 

Haunted Houses 


Born on September 5th, this legendary actor for over four decades has received critical acclaim for his performances and ability to transition from comedy to drama. From Beetlejuice, too Batman, to Birdman, he has captivated audiences for a long time.

Michael Keaton 


This is a regularly, updated website or webpage, typically run by an individual or small group, written in an informal or conversational style. 



This is the act of paying back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you, or the amount that is paid back. 



Known as a French stew, this dish is usually served with bread or salad, traditionally over polenta, pasta or mashed potatoes. The modern version today uses sauteed vegetables. It was considered a peasant food because of the use of leftover ingredients. 



This activity originated when individuals use to ride wagons back to barns to unload different things. This was a way to celebrate the Autumn harvest, allowing individuals to sit back and enjoy the surroundings. It gave farms and companies another way to make money as well. 



Born on September 21st, this master of horror and suspense has crafted a literary empire for over four decades, establishing himself as one of the most influential contemporary authors of all time. He has published over 60 novels and sold over 350 million copies. A lot of his novels have transitioned to TV shows and movies.

Stephen King 


This is a sac like pocket of membranous tissue that contains fluid, air or other substances. They can grow anywhere in your body or under your skin. Some may be benign or cancerous. It's like a pimple but worst. 



For educational purposes, this is a type of scoring guide that assesses specific components and expectations for an assignment. These are used for things such as research papers or group projects. In simpler terms, it serves as a set of criteria for grading assignments. 



Often mistaken as a turnip, this root vegetable is known as a winter crop and are usually planted by farmers as feed for livestock. This root is high in iron, which is not typical of most vegetables.  



This activity has been around for thousands of years as the Greeks and Romans used them as puzzles and games. The first full-size activity emerged in the early 90s in Pennsylvania, which turned into an attraction. Whether you do it just for fun or do it for the adrenaline of getting lost, these activities present a playful challenge for anyone.  

Corn Maze