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Food by State
Food from State

Beauty and the Beast 


Winning artist of the year, this record-breaking songwriter has the biggest fan base as she is dedicated to providing lyrics that resonate with everyone. From her worldwide tour to epic performances and to her recent love of football, this award is well-deserving. 

Taylor Swift


What term is used to describe the vast expansion beyond Earth's atmosphere that includes the stars, planets and galaxies. 

Outer Space 


This south state's diverse cultural mix brings a combination of Latin American, Caribbean and southern influences to its cuisine. Some favorites include Cuban Sandwiches, key lime pie, and fresh citrus fruits, especially oranges. What state am I? 



Illinois is responsible for this dish, which was invented in 1943. Highly associated with the city of Chicago, it brings a different version of this Italian classic, which may take longer to cook because of the thickness. 

Deep Dish Pizza 




Winning Video vanguard award of the year, essentially MTV's version of a life achievement award, actor Orlando Bloom presented this award to his fiancé, before she took the stage to perform a mashup of her greatest hits. This global superstar has had classic hits in pop music, performed a Superbowl halftime show and did a stint as an American idol judge. 

Katy Perry 


This is the only short-period object that is visible to the naked eye from Earth and comes by every 76 years. It's so popular everyone goes outside to see it. What is the name of this popular object? 

Halley's comet 


With its abundant seafood offerings, this westernmost state is known for its salmon, halibut, King crab legs and cod. Even if you're not into seafood, they have unique protein options such as reindeer or elk. 


Idaho's state nickname reflects on this food item, which takes care of 32 percent of the total production in the United States. This popular side dish for any meal is known for its high quality due to the environment, a combination of warm days and cool nights and rich volcanic soil.






Wining best hip-hop artist, he has become an influence in music with his journey, known for his rapid-fire lyrics, controversial themes and alter ego. With over 220 million records sold and 15 Grammy awards, it all came from a troubled childhood and personal struggles that reflects in his songs. 



An award is given every year for achievements in various fields, including physics, chemistry and medicine. What do we call this prestigious award?? 

The Nobel Prize 


Known as the Diner capital of the world, this eastern state's culinary melting pot features heavily on Italian cuisine, Jewish delis and a vibrant Portuguese community. The state even has unique farms just for tomatoes and corn. What State am I? 

New Jersey 

Georgia's nickname reflects the popularity of this fruit, which was first planted in the 18th century. It produces about 130 million pounds each year and are mainly in season from mid-May to August. The fuzz around the fruit acts as protection from water exposure to avoid rotting. 






Winning song of the year, this once Disney Channel star has transformed into a global pop sensation. She quickly went from acting to music as her debut single released in 2014. Through her music, advocacy and fashion, she has become an influential figure, inspiring young artists to prioritize education, embrace personal growth and use their platform for positive change. 

Sabrina Carpenter 


In Science, there is a boiling point and a freezing point when it comes to temperature in Fahrenheit. What are those two numbers 

Boiling: 212 degrees F 

Freezing: 32 degrees F 


This northern State is known for its thriving dairy industry, which means cheese is the cornerstone of their cuisine. Additionally, this state is known for its love of sausages and beer. What state am I? 



We can thank Maryland for providing us with the freshest ingredients for this specialty dish. It's considered a type of croquette that uses breadcrumbs to have it form together into a patty. The addition of Old Bay seasoning gives it that perfect layer of subtle spice that balances out the richness of the seafood. 

Crab Cakes 


Hunchback of Notre Dame 



This artist won the "Video for Good" award, which is an award for a song or video that portrays a message. She unintentionally wrote this song about her life, which was then featured on the soundtrack of the Barbie movie. This piano-inspired ballad talks about her personal feelings from a third person perspective and how she wants the world to change, especially around her. 

Billie Eilish 


Gravity by definition is the force by which planet or other bodies draws objects towards its center. This concept was discovered by this famous physicist. Who am I? 

Sir Issac Newton 

Known for its rugged landscapes and outdoor adventures, this state's cuisine gives a taste of the Wild West with such unique dishes as Bison, locally sourced trout and sweet huckleberry dishes. What state am I? 


A staple of Tex-Mex cuisine, this dish was accidently created in a cafe in Arizona in 1920. In the process of making a burrito, the chef dropped it in the fryer and instead of throwing it away, decided to experiment by serving it to the customer. The result is now loved by many all around the world. 
